Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by RPM2Night
Hey Clem. Just curious, any schedule for when the circus train is going to pull out of garden city? Thanks man.

  by Clem
See below
Last edited by Clem on Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

  by RPM2Night
Well, I drove past Garden City tonight and saw six...yes SIX MP15s standing by there waiting for action while the tractors loaded up the trailers on the flat cars. I'm gonna try to go there around 8AM, I hope that's a good time to show up. I wonder if they're gonna try and yank the whole train out, or if they're gonna split the power 3-3 and run two trains. Should be interesting.
  by Clem
For Hunterspoint Avenue (Crew #1)

8:30 - Pick up 2 E-15, switch 17 flat cars, 4 stock cars and 2 concession cars. Train prepared to move from Garden Mitchell Secondary

10:10 - Train to follow Train 731, due at Garden City at 10:07AM; Mainling 1 Jay to Harold; Crossover into Hunterspoint Avenue #2 Track.

11:15 - Spot train on Wash Track


For Long Island City (Crew #2)

8:30 - Pick up 2 E-15, 33 coaches at Mitchel Field

10:45 Depart Mitchell no later than 10:45 AM

12:00 Arrive LIC, switch out cars.

  by Long Island 7285
For thoese who did not go to the GCS and or GC period, you missed a good carbon show. the 2 E15's on train one. opened up just west of Garden City. Oh boy it was a show, I looked as if there was to ALCOs at the point. the pupple haze of sulfer and other environmnet contamanents was lingering for a while and was blown southward. Both trains put on a good show. Got alot of good shots this year.

Clem. thanks for the inside scoop, it went well. Even the cop's were cool.

  by li7039
what is a e15 anyone got a picture of it

  by bodhisattva
An E15 is an MP15, just a different designation. E is for EMD, 15 is for 1,500 horsepower.


  by Long Island 7285
so are the M1 called a B1 fro "budd"1 and similar for an m7 or do they just use the M degignation?

  by RPM2Night
yes indeed, very good show. Clem, thank you for the times, everything was pretty much dead on. 1st train moving the freight portion left the secondary just after the west bound 10:07 at Garden City Station. The passenger/dorm portion left an hour later after the next west bound passenger train, and the protect engine followed right behind the dorm car train. This was the 1st time I got to watch the whole movement of the circus train. Everything was pretty much switched out and assembled by the time I got there, but I was able to get myself to the Clinton Rd (or St? Whatever lol) and watch them bring the 1st train up to the home signal. After that I split to the curve just west of Garden City station where we saw the westbound passenger train and then the circus freight roll out behind it. As Joe mentioned, those two MP15s put on a smoke snow that would almost put an Alco to shame. After that I moved up to parking lot just east of Franklin Ave and shot the circus dorm train from there. Nice action today, I definitely enjoyed it.

Was anyone else able to get shots of it either on the move somewhere between Garden City and NYC....or any shots of it being switched into NYC?

  by Clem
The crews all did a nice job, and the Road Foreman of Engines who worked with the circus trainmaster and the crews is with them is one of the best.

What a vast difference when competent people are selected to do a job!

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