• Passenger Rail

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General Discussion - Passenger Rail: High Speed and Heavy and Light Rail Systems
General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.
Moderators: mtuandrew, gprimr1
1332 Topics 
17046 Posts
Re: Train To The Plane
 by Gilbert B Norman
Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.
Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, mtuandrew, Tadman
9098 Topics 
267370 Posts
Re: Acela II (Alstom Avelia L…
 by lensovet
Brightline Trains LLC (formerly All Aboard Florida and Virgin)
This is a forum for all operations, both current and planned, of Brightline, formerly All Aboard Florida and Virgin Trains USA:
Websites: Current Brightline
Virgin USA
Virgin UK

Moderator: CRail
83 Topics 
3691 Posts
Re: Trip Report: 2024 ORL-WPB…
 by electricron
California Commuter, Rail Transit, and High Speed Rail (HSR)
Discussion related to commuter rail and transit operators in California past and present including Los Angeles Metrolink and Metro Subway and Light Rail, San Diego Coaster, Sprinter and MTS Trolley, Altamont Commuter Express (Stockton), Caltrain and MUNI (San Francisco), Sacramento RTD Light Rail, and others...
Moderator: lensovet
372 Topics 
4826 Posts
Re: Caltrain Electrification
 by lpetrich
Canadian Passenger Operations: AMT, Go Transit, VIA, etc.
Discussion of Canadian Passenger Rail Services such as AMT (Montreal), Go Transit (Toronto), VIA Rail, and other Canadian Railways and Transit
Moderator: Ken V
728 Topics 
5876 Posts
Re: Gaspe Excursion Train
 by MaineRailfan
Chicagoland Commuter & Transit
Discussion related to commuter rail and rapid transit operations in the Chicago area including the South Shore Line, Metra Rail, and Chicago Transit Authority.
Moderators: metraRI, JamesT4
1915 Topics 
23582 Posts
Re: Rebuilt SD70MACH orders
 by lordsigma12345
DC - Maryland - Virginia Area Passenger Rail: MTA(MARC), VRE, WMATA(Metro)
Discussion related to DC area passenger rail services from Northern Virginia to Baltimore, MD. Includes Light Rail and Baltimore Subway.
Moderators: mtuandrew, therock, Robert Paniagua
1713 Topics 
20292 Posts
Metro announces holiday closu…
 by davinp
Florida Commuter and Light Rail: Metrorail, Sunrail, Tri-Rail and Proposals
Discussion about Florida passenger rail operations including proposals. Official web-sites:
Miami/Dade Metrorail, Sunrail (Orlando), and Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
For Virgin Rail/Brightline: Virgin Trains Worldwide (includes Brightline)

Moderator: Kurt-Trirail
166 Topics 
2923 Posts
Re: SunRail Expansion / Exten…
 by checkmatechamp13
Long Island Rail Road (LIRR)
Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.
Moderator: Liquidcamphor
5966 Topics 
86434 Posts
Re: LIRR Passenger Interior P…
 by Kelly&Kelly
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Moderators: sery2831, CRail
4206 Topics 
124254 Posts
Re: MBB Overhaul
 by Silverliner II
MTA Metro-North Railroad and CtRail Passenger Rail (SLE, Hartford, Extensions)
Discussion relating to the operations of MTA MetroNorth Railroad including west of Hudson operations and discussion of CtDOT sponsored rail operations such as Shore Line East and the Springfield to New Haven Hartford Line
Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith
3564 Topics 
66082 Posts
Re: Harmon Shops Open House R…
 by NH2060
New York City Area Wide Rail Transit Issues (Cross-Agency)
This forum will be for issues that don't belong specifically to one NYC area transit agency, but several. For instance, intra-MTA proposals or MTA-wide issues, which may involve both Metro-North Railroad (MNRR) and the Long Island Railroad (LIRR). Other intra-agency examples: through running such as the now discontinued MNRR-NJT Meadowlands special. Topics which only concern one operating agency should remain in their respective forums.
Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith
72 Topics 
9026 Posts
Re: Amtrak Empire, LIRR, MNRR…
 by scratchyX1
Discussion relating to the past and present operations of the NYC Subway, PATH, and Staten Island Railway (SIRT).
Moderator: GirlOnTheTrain
1799 Topics 
16646 Posts
Re: R32 Retirement Runs
 by R36 Combine Coach
New Jersey Transit NJT Rail and Light Rail LRT
Discussion related to New Jersey Transit rail and light rail operations.
Moderators: lensovet, Kaback9, nick11a
6267 Topics 
160432 Posts
Re: MetLife Concert Rail Serv…
 by R36 Combine Coach
Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.
Moderator: AlexC
3970 Topics 
77463 Posts
Re: Willow Grove station repl…
 by RandallW