Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by Long Island 7285
Thanks for the link.

Can some one post the statistics of the LIRR corssing fatilities for 2004-2005?

See if they went up, down or staid the same?

The moral of the topic is that the people with the money and political push are simply trying to deface a way of life, law, and their own safety by wanting "quite zones" And if they win the RR looses and will be paying out.

end of story

  by Nasadowsk
I figure a worthwhile experiment would be to put nice, stiff, scratchy wire brushes at the ends of gate arms. That way, a car going around the gates risks getting it's paint scratched. I bet it would work, too...

  by pennsy
Hi All,

Why not go all the way and lay down spike strips on the pavement as well. When the gates go up, the spikes go up as well. That should definitely discourage even the women with the baby carriages running around the gates when they are down. Bicycles might still be a problem, unless they try to ride around the gates as well.

  by RetiredLIRRConductor
People are going to run around gates and walk the tracks no matter what is done. They will find a way. For example, if you ride the rear end of an eastbound Oyster Bay or Port Jeff PM rush hour train, watch how many people walk towards the rear end of the platform, open the "authorized persons only" gates, and proceed to walk across the tracks to get to the other side. You would be amazed. They are so brazen they do it right in front of the train crews. Yet if we admonish them we run the risk of getting a customer complaint letter saying we are rude. Guess who gets in trouble then? :(

  by Long Island 7285
I gave it some thought, Why should the RR do or say any thing. Leave well enough alone, they get killed/injured for their negligance, they are punished for their stupidity. done deal, they suffer the LIRR don't get sude were all happy. (sept for the stupid one.

Remember on the LL platforms, some would have fences in front of them, so the costomers would be forced to walk around. in essence that is what they are doing by climbing down the authorized person setps.

  by RPM2Night
LirrConductor wrote:They are so brazen they do it right in front of the train crews. Yet if we admonish them we run the risk of getting a customer complaint letter saying we are rude. Guess who gets in trouble then? :(

Say they do write a letter complaining about you and it does get back around to you. When approached by management couldn't you tell them that you were trying to prevent someone from trespassing? Or, that you were looking out for their safety?

  by Long Island 7285
you could say anything, but in the corrupt society we live in today whats "truly right" is "really wrong" IN others words if you did the "right" thing and told the costomers NOT TO GO DOWN THE EMPLOYEE ACCESS STEPS and they reply with the colors of the specturm and do it any way. under the current life styles/corruption/political correctness, you would be WRONG eventhough you are 500% CORRECT.

This is a clear example of a sociery with out a brass set to STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT, AND PUT THE CURRENT CRAP ON THE GROUND, (FOR GOOD)

  by badneighbor
Have a radio transmitter jam their car radios, and say something like

"Hey...jack@$$...there is a train coming...stop already...HEY!!!"

You get the picture, along with blue and red strobes like the fire trucks, and an air raid siren for those with no radios...

  by Long Island 7285
Thats creative, I like that :-D

  by RetiredLIRRConductor
LI 7285 is correct. Thats about all I can say about that :(

  by Long Island 7285
You the employee have absolutely no say in making the customer safe or talking to them in terms of warning them (not to walk on the tracks or around lowered gate). The theory we all go by " the customer is always right” Is so corrupt and so in valid that it actually caused more harm then good for both the business or company (railroad or not). Under this theory if the customer does something wrong or something that will put them or others at risk it’s mighty fine if they do it, because they patronize the company. What’s the company saying behind the seen when the customer sues the company, saying they were not warned? And no employee let them know the danger??

Does any one see where the theory of “Customers are always right” back fires and COSTS the company MORE when their patron screws up and cannot be “warned” because they will no longer patronize the store if you “warn them”

Did I explain it good enough?

  by MisterM7
LI 7285

I guess the company will just lose. ase in point look at the guy who successfully sued the NYCTA for losing his leg.

He was 18 at the time (underage) and drinking, and then decided to walk down the tracks with his friends because they thought the 7 train wasn't running.

He knowingly trespassed, was hit by a train but the MTA was at fault. A stste court ruled in this guy's favor.

So just imagine how easy it will be for one of these people to sue the LIRR and win. I can't begin to tell you just how much the "valued customers" are allowed to get away with.

It also seems that if the railroad truly played hard ball they will just lose in court.

  by Long Island 7285
“Valued Customers” can get away with so much and actually make up a reason to sue and win. And there is nothing that the company LIRR or not can do to fight back. I don’t know exactly where this action falls under law. However I do know that it’s not doing America any good. It shows that one can break a law and still get off free and will millions or even billions, for what? Nothing more then the lack of commonsense and the extreme use of stupidity. Don’t you all love it when the “valued one’s” screw up in their entirety and it costs your job or even your freedom?

  by RPM2Night
MisterM7 wrote:He knowingly trespassed, was hit by a train but the MTA was at fault. A stste court ruled in this guy's favor.
The law system in this country is so screwed up. With stuff like this, trespassing and suing, attempting to rob someone and getting hurt by their resistance, and then suing...running a red light hitting someone and suing the person you hit.....this is all teaching people that they really don't have to be responsible and play a fair role. It's pathetic.

  by Clem
This may be off topic, so I may get banned but I've always been one to speak my mind...

For every stupid illogical story you hear about the legal system, there are thousands of disputes settled by juries of peers that make perfect sense.

Our justice system is the finest the world has ever seen.

So far as crossing accidents go, a carrier such as the railroad has to take reasonable care to protect the public. It's part of the public trust under which they secured their property.

Bet you didn't know that from the very beginnings the LIRR had the power of eminent domain? That's one reason that the PRR retained the LI's corporate identity when they bought it. The Long Island was such an early railroad company that the Charter it received from New York State gave it the power to "secure property," a power that later was ruled as that of eminent domain. They could take property from private owners "for the public good" after paying them market value.

This was a tremendous power to have and one not shared by the PRR or many other railroads.

Of course when the State of NY bought the LI none of this mattered much as the State can take property for the public's use.

I must give credit for this information to Form 19 who researched this topic long ago and shared it with me. Thought it would be interesting.
