by SlowFreight
timberley, I hear your rant. For some reason, the "experts" at the big modeling magazines never seemed to get it through their thick skulls that VIA's F40s did not have the phase I OR the phase II underframes, but instead yet a third arrangement...and as a result, most model railroaders seem to believe that they're not the unique beasts that actually ply the rails. It's really not that hard to look at a photo, but I digress...
Back to the Pooches, the Sunset Limited and AutoTrain were their bastions. AutoTrain typically consumed six at a time (three in each direction), while my best guess on the Sunset Limited is that it chewed up 12-18 (three trainsets in each direction with 2-3 units each set, being a 3-day run). Ya don't need much more action to use up a fleet of 25...or maybe less if some were retired early. During the early years, I saw photos of them running on the San Diegan with Amfleets, on the Illini with Superliners, and various other short-haul trains...but pretty quickly the F40 put a stop to that and they moved on.
Anyway, the discussion of Amfleets, F40s, and another thread about E8's all go back to a common theme: when manufacturers don't get the key dimensions right, some number of us will always be begging for a new model no matter how much the other models were over-produced.
Back to the Pooches, the Sunset Limited and AutoTrain were their bastions. AutoTrain typically consumed six at a time (three in each direction), while my best guess on the Sunset Limited is that it chewed up 12-18 (three trainsets in each direction with 2-3 units each set, being a 3-day run). Ya don't need much more action to use up a fleet of 25...or maybe less if some were retired early. During the early years, I saw photos of them running on the San Diegan with Amfleets, on the Illini with Superliners, and various other short-haul trains...but pretty quickly the F40 put a stop to that and they moved on.
Anyway, the discussion of Amfleets, F40s, and another thread about E8's all go back to a common theme: when manufacturers don't get the key dimensions right, some number of us will always be begging for a new model no matter how much the other models were over-produced.