Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by bingdude
Isn't she the one who complained about having to do work train assignments right after #160 ran away in Brooklyn??

  by Lirr168
bingdude wrote:Isn't she the one who complained about having to do work train assignments right after #160 ran away in Brooklyn??
No, that was LaQwanda I believe, I could be wrong though. For what it's worth, Joanne seems genuine and just a bit bewildered by the new world of the LIRR.

  by RetiredLIRRConductor
Bewildered? I am there almost 33 years and still manage to get "bewildered" by what I see sometimes :wink:

  by uptown
Last edited by uptown on Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

  by Form 19
I was never bothered by the term "Motorman" or even Train Driver....I am however extremely insulted when people ask if I am the Conductor. J/K :wink:

  by dukeoq
Form 19, I know how you feel being called a conductor.
I used to feel the same way when someone would refer to me as the engineer. :wink:

  by Clem
Gee, I wonder what crafts each of you guys come from?


  by trackml2
I doubt very much they would put that in place for Conductors or Assistant Conductors, or collectors. It just would not be practical.
FIRST, I am not for this at all. As it would affect me also!!! BUT, why would it not be practical. It would not be practical for you, me or the other guy/gal BUT it would be very practical for the LIRR. Can you imagine the money saved if the following proposal was given. LIRR says,
You now must swipe in when reporting/going off duty to be paid the FULL earnings of the job. Your alternative's are;;;;;Ex. #1 Swipe out at the terminal you ACTUALLY finish at and that will be your finish time OR Ex. #2 ( I believe MN or some other RR has this) swipe out at the termial you ACTUALLY finish at and you will be paid 1/2 (half) time back to your originating terminal.
Either example sucks brake pipe. NEVER say NEVER!!!!!!! If you do not believe this is possible you are being naive!!!!!

One more point;
On a side note I have thought about putting together a dictionary of LIRR slang for the benifit of new employees.What do you think about that?
This is a great idea. There are many many RR "slang" term lists out there. Ex.http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/glossry1.Html

But one dediacted to the LIRR would be great. Ask here for contributions to your list. May I be the first to offer a few:

pin ahead
around the horn
get the iron
gonna need a horse
the hanger

I can go on and on. Maybe a STICKY should be created to help you with your dictionary. But please remember to do your research. SURE a hogger is a Locomotive Engineer....BUT WHY. Maybe a history to the term should be included. Just a suggestion!!

  by Dave Keller
That wouldn't hurt.

After all, without an explanation, "picking up a flimsy" "on the fly" and "getting a highball" sounds like you met a hooker along the sidewalk and you both dropped into a local bar to have a drink! :wink:


  by RetiredLIRRConductor
here is a small example of why it is not practical. Run 112 starts in Ny and ends in speonk. It is a one way from NY to speonk, leaving NY at 511PM and ending in Speonk at about 715PM. The crew book says to DH to NY and the off time is about 1130PM. Now the reality,,anyone who covers that job would dead head out of speonk at 202PM, arrive in NY at around 400PM, work the train and drive home from speonk. There are many other similar jobs. I doubt very much the UTU would stand for it. It does not work for transportation employees

  by RetiredLIRRConductor
Hey dave, RR slang for someone who is a dimb bulb is "He is a little low on the air", or "he has an air leak"

  by RPM2Night
So that is that entire crew's whole shift?? that one train from NY to Speonk, and the deadhead back...and they're done for the night?

  by bluebelly
RPM2Night wrote:So that is that entire crew's whole shift?? that one train from NY to Speonk, and the deadhead back...and they're done for the night?
Yes but is a function of the level of service or I should say lack of service to and from Speonk, which is limited by the fact that it is single track manual block. It is not that RR wants to create jobs like this , they want the crews to cover as may trains as possible. However sometimes there is no way around it,and let me stress this is certainly not the norm.
Even if the RR wanted them to work more trains (which I am sure they do) , until the time comes when the RR increases service and ads a reverse peak westbound there simply aren't any trains for this crew to cover. The next westbound out of Speonk after their arrival is 2745 which leaves around at 9:07. This is the train that they get paid to DH on so it would be no big deal to change thier job and have them cover it instead of DH on it. However the crew that currently covers 2745 is a Jamaica crew so then they would be getting paid to DH back west, so it would be the same thing. They could make it a Speonk instead of a NY job but then the report would have to be 130 or so in order for them to be in NY in time so they would be getting paid to DH in the front of the job, again no difference. So like I said until the service levels to Speonk increase there is no real alternative.

  by Dave Keller
LirrConductor wrote:
Hey dave, RR slang for someone who is a dimb bulb is "He is a little low on the air", or "he has an air leak"
I always heard "The headlight is on but no one is in the cab!" :wink:


  by trackml2
The UTU can say NOTHING. I dont get where you are coming from. You are paid back to that location. Like I said, its not PRACTICAL for me or you, BUT we are being paid. If they wanted us to DH back to swipe out and we are being paid for that the UTU can say gotz. If you dont believe that, you drank the UTU Kool-Aid!!!