by Backshophoss
Streaching "new" wire to Meritt 7 would require a new substation to be built, a Control Point at Dock yard and at Merritt 7(a hold signal,
north of the platform) and an expensive redo of the signal system from Walk to Merritt 7 to work with the Catenary.
Adding a "new" station at Wall St would work with a single pair shuttle Sono to Merritt 7 service maybe......
That's one heck of a dream...
north of the platform) and an expensive redo of the signal system from Walk to Merritt 7 to work with the Catenary.
Adding a "new" station at Wall St would work with a single pair shuttle Sono to Merritt 7 service maybe......
That's one heck of a dream...
The Land of Enchantment is not Flyover country!