• Maine MEDOT proposed RDC service brunswick-rockland

  • General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.
General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.

Moderators: mtuandrew, gprimr1

  by Arborwayfan
Likely route for the RDCs from VT to ME? Would they be likely to be delivered in freight trains (can they be set up to run safely as towed cars?) or under their own power? If under their own power, I assume they would require an engineer qualified on the equipment and a pilot qualified on each stretch of track?
  by NHV 669
They're coming from FGLK in the Geneva, NY area, not Vermont....

Most likely they'll be tacked onto whatever freight gets them to Selkirk, then onto M426. Same way they got them out to NY from the little WACR.

Why would they run them under power across 4 states and needlessly tie up multiple crews when they can just ship them DiT?
  by west point
nomis wrote: Wed May 10, 2023 11:58 am The biggest issue for PTC requirements is the Brunswixk station area. East of there, with 4 trips (2 RT's) a day would be covered for an exemption.
Last check the service area for the proposed area is a couple miles down the Downeaster track. How PTC will apply or not ???
  by R36 Combine Coach
As of October 2022, eight RDCs were still at the Bombardier shop in Barre. They can be seen in this Streetview along with a trackmobile at left.
  by electricron
NHV 669 wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:30 am There isn't one yet... FGLK is still working on it.
By the time they get things started the summer will be over. Maybe a next year project???
  by electricron
NHV 669 wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:30 am There isn't one yet... FGLK is still working on it.
By the time they get things started the summer will be over. Maybe a next year project???
  by electricron
I have ridden these RDCs when they were operated by Trinity Railway Express and Denton County Transit Authority. They were in great shape before being sold to AllEarthRail. They will make great rural trains in train formations from single to four units.
Rules for avoidance of Positive Train Control regulations give that authority to the FRA. Operators must satisfy the FRA in all aspects of operating these trains. I would suggest it would eventually be cheaper to just implement PTC, but I understand the reluctance to do so for a test.
  by Aava
That sounds like an exciting development!
Have there been any updates or announcements regarding the specific routes and schedules for the proposed RDC service between Brunswick and Rockland?
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