Well, back on topic now, but while I was riding car 8411 coming from New Haven earlier today, I decided at around Mt. Vernon East to break out my camcorder and begin videotaping out the front window all the way down till GCT, which I never got to do before on MNRR. Everything went smoothly, until the very end, when I was able to hear the motorman's radio, and It turned out that there were Transit Employees watching at the train's arrival, when they saw me videotaping, so I then heard, "Operator 8411, there's a guy videotaping on your train, you wanna check it out?" as we were about to come to the complete stop, so I then immediately stop taping, and put my camera away, but when I got off though, I was lucky, I didn't get approached or stopped my Transit Personnel or MTA police. But other that that blemish, everything went well while shooting that video, and it was kinda cool to film out front. The first two cars, BTW, were all open too, they weren't isolated as I thought.
~Robert Paniagua
Moderator: WMATA :: General Railroad Operations