• How to make $210k income at the LIRR + plus free transit!

  • Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.
Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by Long Island 7285
Who ever did this article on the NEWS12 version really got the facts wrong, and how they go to the customers and physically tell them “what THEY” news 12/NEWSDAY wants them to here” nothing more nothing correct other then the fact that the crews are getting paid a lot. Maybe they should stress Blue belly’s example I hire you to replace my furnace, but when you get to my house I tell you to replace the water heater as well, would you do it for no additional cost? I mean I already paying you to be here, so why should it cost me more money? Tell that to the customer? See what replies they give you? Ask Richard Kessel from LIPA that too? This really is getting out of hand. And what’s with the BLE spokesmen telling them that they will negotiate penalties with the MTA/LIRR?
Negotiate what? Let them learn to do their jobs or pay the right men and women the right price w/o any cuts to them to do the job the right way so there would not be this many cases of the LIRR paying penalties. Why not make an unofficial brochure saying something to the effects of “if you had to work out of your job description, and so something more and are not get paid more to do it. WOULD YOU DO IT?”

What else can we really do, sit back, wait, wait for our wonder full society of political correctness and incompetence to drag this road deeper into the grave. The coffins open, grave dug. And the nails delivered to the sight, do we need to wait for the hammer to come and the lid to close before some one open’s there mouth and stands up for what right!

  by Long Island 7285
Sorry Blue, don't mean to bust your chops, but I have to stick up for my self.
See guys, we all make mistakes were not perfect. just I miss spell on this site more then others.

There is corruption on the LIRR. No doubt about it. For years 2 of the superintendents in NY gave away the store to 3 or 4 of their buddies. These buddies were not even in the top 100 of senority yet they all retired with pension averages of 140 thousand or so. One of these people had less then 5 years senority, and he was fired for stealing. (The MTA police caught him stealing on the train, by not charging the proper fare). When they investigated, they found that this mutt had made over 140 thousand dollars, all with less then 5 years senority. They wanted to know how a man with so little senority made so much money, but all the guilty parties circled the wagons and got away with it as usual. There was even a conductor who posted letters in the trainmans rooms complaining about the corruption, the railroads response was to harass him. About the foolish comment about the IG looking for political gain, if there is nothing illegal going on, no one has anything to worry about...start worrying

  by bodhisattva
It is not corruption at all. That $210k figure is based on ONE engr. Newsday takes that ONE guy and blows the whole thing out of proportion and makes everybody think that all conductors and engineers get that much. Its nonsense. Bluebelly made a good point and I think that readers of Newsday would think differently if they saw what he wrote. The article is too vague for people to make any judgements from it. Just another article that wasn't thought out at all beforehand.

  by Clem
Just remember -- it's the Railroad who agreed to this deal and brokered this deal.

Then remember, it's the Railroad who orders these men to do work in violation of that deal.

Simply put, the Railroad chooses to pay additionally for this work. Often it is the easiest and most economical way to get the job done. Sometimes it's mismanagement, but sometimes it is astute use of the workforce. It takes a good and accountable manager to know the difference.


To put it mildly clem..that is total BS! The money is handed out to a select few as a result of payoffs and favoratism! The average conductor who does his job gets nothing! there are over 1000 trainmen and 400 engineers yet it is always the select few corrupt ones who get the gravy. wa,ke up and smell the coffee clem

  by Form 19
That Engineer didn't just make his money on salary and penalties he also worked 6 or 7 days a week. Newsday never prints that. But who really cares, this is life and their isn't much they can do about it.

Don't fault Newsday for not printing the complete news. The Editor must figure that the average Newsday reader will not bother to read the whole paper anyway and it will wind up at the bottom of a bird cage.

  by Long Island 7285
Enron was like that and now look at where they are?

There will always be corruption and favoritism, and that is for any job. Don’t think the big class ones are perfect. With the LIRR being owned by politicians and a political agency that is putting 100% more corruption into the company, if an employee is a favorite for the political brass that run’s this place then we all know that, he or she will be getting a very hefty pocket at the end of the pay week. It is in plain sight, and the only way to do it sadly, is to over throw the current government and re develop it, if there are other ways leak it. This corruption is in ALL jobs including our beloved NEWSDAY and NEWS 12. The simplest answer is YES! There are several employees that are getting these political benefits from this system of governments corruption, however ALOS NOTE that there are many more that are getting paid the bare minimum and what there supposed to be paid for there job. It’s in the long run that this sucking up will derail the LIRR and the likes. The LIRR is not benefiting in any way from this and I can guarantee that the average customer is not benefiting from it either.

  by Form 19
7285 he LIRRLIARS isn't talking about government waste and corruption, he is reffering to managers manipulating so that their buddies can get to work certain trains and incur penalty payments. I don't know how long LIRRLIARS is on the Railroad, but that kind of nonsense has always exisited and regardless of anyones complaints, always will. He's talking about Penn Station and he's right.

The best remedy for that is to move on to a terminal where that doesn't happen and not get yourself aggravated.

  by Long Island 7285
From 19, didn’t that kind of corruption exist from the beginning, even before PRR control? That is just employees that are connected with those in mgmt that they kiss each others behinds and one hand washes the other. Every job has that. And to eliminate that will take more then just moving those employees as mgmt will still find a way to kiss there rear ends. I was talking more or less about the corruption placed within this place from the political stand point which is also a big problem. Will these problems ever be fixed? Most likely not, can things be done to limit these problems? Yes, but it will just pop up in an undetected form elsewhere.

I know I’m not always right on everything is say and post, how ever I post things how I see it, and when I see no effort to limit issues such as the ones this thread brought up I will say something about it. Will I be right maybe, maybe not, however I know not everything I say or post here is off the walls ridicules.

  by Clem
If LIRRLIARS' personality wasn't as repulsive as displayed by his posts and he didn't have such problems getting along with the Company and his coworkers, perhaps he would have been one of the big earners.

This is sour grapes, and instead of lashing out at others LIARS should look within to see why he is always singled to learn less than his seniority should afford.


  by Long Island 7285
Clem I agree with you on that. Even I run my mouth when something is wrong, however I would look into correcting it before I make a stink when it comes to my money.

  by mark777
I would have to personally say that corruption has always existed and will always exist not only on the LIRR, but in Corporate America. It's the way things go. I see things here that I have seen at my previous jobs, so nothing really changes. What makes it worse on the LIRR is that you have a situation where politics gets heavily involved and plays a huge role in influence, such as with the IG who has much to say and criticize about the RR and it's employees, but possess little knowledge of the rules and agreements that are already in place. In short, yes the amount of people who have made $200,000 plus in salary is probably less than 10 individuals on the entire Engine service or Conductor roster. Conductors and Asst. Conductors shouldn't be even mentioned since we don't make extras such as Time on Time, co-mingle, and we only get a small portion of the pay for yard moves. Even if I try really hard to make money, and I have, I still can't break $100,000. I can come close, but not break it. That I'm sure qualifies for the vast majority of Trainmen and even some engineers.

I would never count on the Media to give you the proper information regarding the LIRR. Nothing is ever spoken about the bloated salaries that management makes or the mistakes or questionable actions that they make that normally contribute to lack of communication and lengthy delays. Lets not forget the things that occured during last months snow storm! It must have been so bad, my mother who lives in Florida heard about it on their news down there!! What an embarressment! In a nut shell, the Conductors and Engineers are always the punching bag of the media, management, and the riding public. The only thing I see as not a problem is that the vast majority of commuters don't even read Newsday. All I ever find on board are endless copies of the Post.

  by RPM2Night
The media definitely doesn't ever cover the whole story. But it's not just the LIRR that they pick on. I remember a year or two ago one of the news groups did a report on Metro North conductors and the salaries they were making due to the OT they were making. Again in that situation, it was probably a select few...but does the media consider that? No.

  by bodhisattva
What the article doesnt mention is that the engr in question worked 6 and even 7 days a week to boost his pension. What is so wrong with that?