I'm SO tearing this down to replace it with a better system, but i also only built it to gain experience. There are some kinks in the wire, and thats because a lamp i was using to take photos fell apart onto the wire, but its otherwise intact.
I have finally acquired some of those brass structural shapes to make some real nice scale catenary, but now i'm not so sure i want to. even if i do make it look good, does my little 4x8 justify catenary? I'm not so sure i could re-use any pieces i make, so i'm not sure if it's really worth it.
I'm also trying to build a 4-track NEC diorama thingy.
here are some pictures of what I've been working with.
The NEC one is far from complete, but i have some trains staged on it just for fun. there will be at least one more bridge in the back. I'm also using it as a way to learn how to "wire" intlockings and such. I'll be adding a crossover to the two middle tracks, and experimenting with building the box catenary and such.
On my layout-
Elite Juice Jack Modeler.