• The problem with public transit is that well...Its Public

  • General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.
General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.

Moderators: mtuandrew, gprimr1

  by Littleredcaboose
Today I sat down next to morbadly obese man who was talking to his buddy behind him about how he got his social security check and spent a week in a cheep motel and got smashed out of his mind. His buddy talked about how he cant get a job. Neither one of them had a bath in two weeks.
I transfered from the bus to the train and these two young punks were talking about how they beat there buddy and smashed his face into the sidewalk. The car was packed and I could not move. At the next station I was harrased by a street preacher handing out tracs who would not move back so I could bypass him. I took the tract and moved on. Last but not least I could not get the agent to buzz open the door for me and my bike and had to wait for someone who was coming in to open it-------------In the past 4 months I have had some close calls and had at least 2 shoving matches with fellow transit patrons. I have noticed that whatever reason be it he economy or a full moon people are getting meaner and nastier. Perhaps the street preacher may be right on here :wink:
  by mtuandrew
This isn't "LearnSomeManners.net", "LoseWeight.net" or "PeopleHaveCooties.net", it's Railroad.net. No transit agency can reasonably control every client's body odor, behavior or conversation topics, any more than a tollway authority can reasonably control everyone's offensive bumper stickers, unsafe vehicles or bad driving. I suggest you bring your complaints directly to the attention of the transit authority, Mister Littleredcaboose.

I haven't been moderating long enough to steer this conversation into a positive direction, so it gets the lock. If anyone has a constructive comment to add, please send me a private message.