Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by Clem
The message will probably be in Indian and you'll get a general notice with the translations.


  by hogger57
:wink: Form19 & Lirrcondr I'm surprised they don't just throw it in the lap of the Engineers and just make them responsible for reading the aspects of the defective signals as they do with all the other difficult to see signals on the LIRR.

  by Dave Keller
I can just imagine the voice signals:

"Welcome Mr. Engineer. I am Apu your automated signal. Proceed as though clear to the next 'sugnal.' Would you like a Budweiser to go?"

Dave :wink:

  by Long Island 7285
All that with a VERY STRONG NON AMERICAN accent. sounding like tech support.

  by Clem
Hay Hogger, that's just what we were talking about. Believe it or not, it's your boss who finally took a stand for something and said "no way". It will be interesting to see if he's beaten down by the rest of the department's experts.

And, nope, never once did anyone ask a real engineer to look at them and give his opinion.

I'm afraid that even with huge hoods on these lenses you'd have more than a hard time seeing them. But then again, if you're reading those new timetable pages, you can see anything.


  by RetiredLIRRConductor
d signal es a stop it would be most uncomfortable to pass et :-D

  by bingdude
Ohh Tank you sir, contuctor.

Un have a nice tay. :P