• Something for the "Skunkwerks Crew"...

  • Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.
Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by Paul

1. Thou shalt keep thine engine clean and in adjustment that thy life in its company shall be long and that the owner shall increase thy pay.

2. Know thy engine and all its parts and functions, else thou shalt be in some unholy spot.

3. Be not wise in thine own conceit. Remember the factory instructions and keep them holy, lest repairs be thine undoing.

4. Be not loose in thy jaw hinges for no man knoweth all about Diesels. The truly wise absorbeth much knowledge and exceedeth little, and he who so doeth shall gain repute among his fellows and favors among his superiors.

5. For all things in this life that thou desireth thou shalt also pay plenty and for the wisdom of experience, no less. Advice from the multitudes costeth nothing and is usually worth just that.

6. In the books thou mayest read what to do and when, but only the voice of experience may tell thee why and how, else thy reading of what and when shall but plague thee with smoke.

7. God maketh the earth to rotate endlessly without bearings, or oil, but not thy Diesel.

8. Curse not thine engine when it turneth not. Curse rather thine own stupidity.

9. Steam engines and gas engines may long turn over though sloppy; a Diesel not so. With gauges and mikes be thou ever busy.

10. The eternal eye watcheth universal operations, but thou shalt not rely upon it as to thy Diesel. Thine own vigilance is the price thou payest for thy job.

  by n2qhvRMLI
Ahhh Brother Paul,

You quoteth the Holy Grail! Keep on truckin'

L.I. Fred
Brother Don, n2qhvRMLI

  by RRChef
The Holy Gospel according to Saint Paul of Alco :P