• "Scamtrak"???

  • Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.
Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, mtuandrew, Tadman

  by 2nd trick op
Consider another long-time Amtrak supporter -- Sen Arlen Specter (R-Pa)

Pennsylvania politics are extemely complex: although Democrats hold a substantial edge in registration, the state has sent very few of them to the Senate. The current Governor, former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell (D) faced a stiff primary battle with the son of former Governor Bob Casey (D), who ran primarily on social issues. With the singular exception of Centre County (Penn State), Rendell's primary victory included no county outside the southeastern corner of the state.

Pittsburgh and Scranton often team up against Philadelphia on both fiscal and social issues. And despite the large Democratic advantage, gun control bills don't stand much of a chance in a state where most factories in rural areas recognize the first day of deer season as a holiday.

Thus, while Sen Specter is now strongly favored to win re-election, he narrowly (52%/48%) escaped a primary challenge from a social conservative favored by the rural interests who remain a strong force in Pennsylvania Republican politics.
Last edited by 2nd trick op on Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.

  by railfanofewu
If Amtrak had not been forced to cutback to live within it's means and limited subsidies, it would not have been doomed to minimalism. They should have been allowed to keep more trains running, perhaps made Mail and Express a cornerstone of their strategy then.

  by Rhinecliff
Mr. updrumcorpsguy's summary of the political realities faced by Amtrak is one of the best I have ever read.
  by John_Perkowski
This guy has no Amtrak service in his district. None. Zero. Nada. He's banging against a Federal service that doesn't support him. One man's essential service is another man's pork. Gentlemen, you have met that someone for whom Amtrak is pork. It really is that simple.

Want to get him on the YES side? Put service moving across his District.


  by John_Perkowski
I also have to agree with what Mr UPdrumcorps wrote.


  by AmtrakFan
Rhinecliff wrote:Mr. updrumcorpsguy's summary of the political realities faced by Amtrak is one of the best I have ever read.
I would have to agree with Mr. UPdrumcorpsguy. That is one of best Summaries of Amtrak Issues I've ever heard.


  by railfanofewu
John_Perkowski wrote:I also have to agree with what Mr UPdrumcorps wrote.

So do I.

  by arnstg
I received an E-Mail from my congresswoman Judy Biggert (R-IL) today.

The part that was interesting was HR 5025 titled "Transportation,Treasury and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal '05. "

The key items are the following with my comments:

$34.6B for highways - This would allow expansion for commuters and particularly the trucking industry which pays nothing for their use.

$13.5B for the Federal Aviation Agency -This would provide for Air Traffic Contol for Private, Corporate, and Commercial Airlines at no charge.

11.2B for the Treasury Department - Is this for the Air Marshalls or what?

How much of this is used to subsidize the airlines and trucks?

Ask Rep. Tancredo if he is ready to order that airlines that land at the Denver airport pay their total cost of the operation and see what his answer would be.

I know that there is a web site to look up Congressional bills. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is.

  by RMadisonWI
arnstg wrote:I know that there is a web site to look up Congressional bills. Unfortunately, I don't know what it is.

  by arnstg
Thanks RMadisonWI for the site name. I knew it existed but not where.

  by matthewsaggie
When--- 1) there is a disaster on the NEC because of the failure to provide funding for maintenance for years or 2) when Gunn shuts the system down next winter when the cash runs out- only then will we see a round of finger pointing and maybe a real debate on what the country- read that as congress-- really wants for a system in the US. It is so sad and unecessary.

  by Rhinecliff
At a time when the United States is spending $4 billion a month on Iraq and, far more importantly, losing an average 2-3 of our dedicated and brave soldiers a day in the endevour, I find it extremely difficult to take Congressman Tancredo's comments about Amtrak seriously. If, for whatever misguided reason, he truly feels "scammed" by Amtrak, I can only pose to him with a good deal of sarcasm Johnny Rotten's famous question.

  by CNJ
There is a rather big problem with the thinking of our current Congress, if they insist on doleing out money for failing domestic airlines (United, US Airways et al), while allowing without regard to let Amtrak wither on the vine.

Hello Congress People!!! You can't have it both ways......Fund airlines and intercity rail equally!

  by John_Perkowski

Why not?

All politics is local.

My Congressman has one AM-VAN in his District. It carries a few people per day between Kansas City and Omaha. The entire economic impact of Amtrak in his District is less than $15,000 TOTAL per annum.

OTOH, he has Kansas City International Airport and the American Airlines (nee TWA) overhaul base in his District. That pumps in MILLIONS of dollars a year of economic impact into his District.

Tell me where his voter bread is buttered???

Kansas City itself has:
- TWO movements per day RT KC-Saint Louis (one extends to Chicago) and ONE movement per day RT direct to Chicago. As a division point, it has maybe 10 station agents, maybe 10 mechanical department people, and maybe 10 crews: Several are two man crews for the Mules, and the rest are 4 man crews for the SWC.

If the economic impact on the Kansas City metro of Amtrak is as much as $5 million a year, I'd be flabbergasted.

Congressmen make their votes based on:
- Personal political beliefs.
- Economic impact a decision brings to the table.
- Constituent influence.

If you do not like the distibution of funds being appropriated by Congress, I suggest the following websites to you:




  by CNJ
At least I can take small comfort that one of my Senators, Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas ...a Republican at that....takes a very proactive approach to Amtrak.

I understand what you were saying Mr. Perkowski....in short what you have described is a classic example of "pork barrel politics."

You would think that some more of these "mental giants" we have elected and sent to Washington, would have the intelligence to step back and look at the big picture of just how our transportation infrastructure is being contracted.

Many states, particularly in the west, have marginal air service. Only recently in the northwest, Greyhound has eliminated many of its routes, further isolation communities.

What is left?...driving?....Great...but many people don't drive or are not physically able to drive long distances.

Amtrak is a service...a federally funded service that plays a vital role in this country.

Its time we as a nation support it, nurture it and allow it to grow and succeed to that it can continue to provide needed transportaton to many parts of this country.
Last edited by CNJ on Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.