• Potential PAR/PAS Traffic Growth

  • Pan Am Southern (webssite: https://panamsouthern.com ) is jointly-owned by CSX and Norfolk Southern, but operated by Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Pittsburg & Shawmut dba Berkshire and Eastern,
Pan Am Southern (webssite: https://panamsouthern.com ) is jointly-owned by CSX and Norfolk Southern, but operated by Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Pittsburg & Shawmut dba Berkshire and Eastern,

Moderator: MEC407

  by woodeen
Maine passed a highly restrictive mining law in 1991 after ME DEP negotiated the closure of the Kerr-American zinc and copper mine in Hancock County. Remediation in 2010 had cost approaching nine million dollars and several other expensive cleanups later, including the ongoing IMC/Sobin mess at Orrington has made state government and the environmental lobby wary of supposed economic development that the State is going to be left cleaning up after the financial benefits and the companies that profited from them have dried up and blown away.
Socializing the costs and privatizing the profits as Noam Chomsky says.
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