by Arlington
CRISI Grant: ... s_PDFa.pdf
Maryland -- Penn-Camden Connector Project (Up to $8,800,000) Maryland Department of Transportation - Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) The proposed project involves project development activities for various rail infrastructure improvements to support a new rail connection between the Maryland Area Rail Commuter (MARC) Penn Line, on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor, and the MARC Camden Line, on CSX Transportation’s (CSX) Capital Subdivision. The project will help advance efforts to provide a rail connection between the Penn and Camden Lines, improving operations and reliability for passenger rail and freight train service. Furthermore, the project aligns with the selection criteria by improving ability to meet existing and anticipated demand as it will support MTA’s future efforts to relocate the MARC trainset storage facility, which will enable Amtrak to advance its plans to redevelop Baltimore’s Penn Station and Union Station in Washington, D.C. MTA will provide a 20 percent non-Federal match.
"Trying to solve congestion by making roadways wider is like trying to solve obesity by buying bigger pants."--Charles Marohn