Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by DogBert
Anyone know what is up? there is a new strip of concrete ties and rail being put together, and I'm pretty sure there's two truck trailers in there now...

yes dogbert
i noticed them today
i saw the trackwork at the far end of the old a yard
i would say right about under honeywell ave
it comesdown to about 29th street
the 2 trailers were there to
im sure theres a lot of new work scheaduled for the old a yard
damm thats one big chunck of property

good luck john t brooklyn ny

  by jlr3266
Track work for upgrading Wood Interlocking. Its part of ESA.

  by BMC
Mostly everything you see going on in that area is now related to the ESA.

  by Lirr168
Dave Keller wrote:Definition of ESA?


East Side Access

  by alchemist
"Track work for upgrading Wood Interlocking. Its part of ESA."
Oh won't that be fun. :(

  by RetiredLIRRConductor
upgrading wood? are they actually going to put switches in? :wink:

  by jlr3266
Yep. No in-tie switch machines, either!

  by Long Island 7285
If they can't get the line into GCT even near useable w/ customer condition, then they should not even be dreaming about adding a switch or more to Wood interlocking, that would be one hell of a blunder. the only logistical reason to install the switch is to get MOW trains and track work trains to EAS.
And that's only if they cannot get it there already.

Is any of that track going into the 63rd.st. tubes eletrified yet or is the 3rd rail still decoration at this time.