by 3rdrail
Catenary on pantograph has the advantage also of being strung so as to constantly sweep accross the collector as the car is operated. Notice the overhead the next time that you're riding underneath a set. It will constantly move left or right and return. This gives a wider area of friction on the collector's surface, reducing the wear. A trolley shoe in a harp rubs along it's wire in only one spot, and as a result, a trough is made very quickly in the running area of the shoe. Superior current collection, ease of cross-overs and turnouts, more heavy-duty, etc. leave the pantograph superior to the wheel or shoe in my opinion.
~Paul Joyce~
Moderator: Toy Trains, Model Railroading, Outdoor and Live Steam
Paul Joyce passed away in August, 2013. We honor his memory and his devotion at
Moderator: Toy Trains, Model Railroading, Outdoor and Live Steam
Paul Joyce passed away in August, 2013. We honor his memory and his devotion at