• It's a Diesel Bus Trackless Trolley Rubber Tired Monorail Tram!

  • Discussion about railroad topics everywhere outside of Canada and the United States.
Discussion about railroad topics everywhere outside of Canada and the United States.

Moderators: Komachi, David Benton

  by lpetrich
Titled link:

Why Nancy Is Scrapping Its Magically Bonkers Monorail-Bus-Trams - YouTube

The monorail part is a central guide rail that the vehicles use for most of their routes, though the Nancy ones run for part of their routes without the guide rail as an electric trolleybus.

Bombardier Guided Light Transit - Wikipedia
Guided Light Transit (GLT, French: Transport sur Voie Réservée or TVR) was the name of guided bus technology and associated infrastructure designed and manufactured by Bombardier Transportation (now Alstom). It was installed in two French cities: Nancy and Caen. The Caen system was closed in 2017 and replaced by conventional trams,[1] while the Nancy system was closed in March 2023 and is to be replaced by trolleybuses.[2]
The Translohr - Wikipedia system is a similar one, but more widely used. It and the GLT / TVR are Rubber-tyred tram - Wikipedia
  by josephmerritt
Great video! In Nantes we have a similar system, consisting of 3-cab electric buses on dedicated tracks. The differences with the TVR are the buses run on batteries instead of a power line and there is no rail either. Instead, each station has a supercharger above the track the bus connects to during stops to get a small recharge.
We also still have the oldest modern trams but those will be replaced soon by modern ones.
Last edited by josephmerritt on Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
  by David Benton
Research is now been done on the effect of "rubber" from vehicle tires on the environment. I think the micro plastics has prompted it . Its much more synthetic than rubber these days.
another reason , i would always prefer rail.