Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

  by lirrmike
I cannot believe I have to defend myself over this, but I see I have to. “EDM5970”, if you thought I was going to let you pass judgment over me and say nothing, well you were way off!
I ask you, have you been to this railroad site? If you haven’t how can you be so sure we were ‘trespassing’? Who made you an expert in this area? I will not let you question my integrity. How dare you! Let me guess here, you have never done anything that could be remotely wrong? Please, give me a break! Let’s see, I bet every picture taken of any railroad subject was always taken from a lawful spot. No photographer has done even a slightly unlawful thing to take the picture of a lifetime. Perfect world you live in.
Let’s not forget the forum lawyers who also post here. We know the definition so save it.
Sorry to say you are one the reasons this forum is going into the toilet. Here myself and Joe were excited to share with everyone the finding of these old passenger cars and you stand there on your soapbox and preach about us. I’m just tried of all the judgmental people who think they know everything and everyone else knows nothing!
This is the last straw, really I’m not going to have someone who knows nothing about me and then tells everyone I’m setting a bad example. I have tried to do the right thing here, but now I’m a sinister law breaker.
Otto by the way, thanks for sticking up for me. I can’t count how many times I defended you to others. But, that’s my fault. Now you can run the show by yourself, I am as of right resigning as comoderator of this forum. Let EDM5970 be your new moderator, he has all the answers and according to him he’s a better person then me and I’m sure he’ll love when people e-mail him several times a day crying about everything from ‘this one is making fun of me or that one said a bad word’.
I apologize to the many people I have met here and I thank all of you for sharing your memories and answers.
I’m not looking for any symphony, believe me! And please don’t think I want everyone to tell me ‘everything is ok, please don’t go’ kind of crap. I was proud of the job I was doing here and I know you can’t please everyone, but this went too far.
I love railroad history and railfanning, so I’m not going to let a few misguided people ruin it for me. There’s just too many of this type of person spewing garbage around this forum to let it be what it should be, a place to share memories, learn and ask questions of this fine rail road.



  by RPM2Night
It's a shame to see you go, but I definitely understand. We don't make it easy on the moderators here lol. Thanks for doing your best to keep things positive. Best of luck.

  by Form 19
Mike, if you were a Railroad employee, you would not be resigning. Why you may ask?

Because the railroad is full of amateur lawyers, mathematical wizards and captains of industry who know all things. Instead of using their unique education and experiences and becoming millionaires, they for the love of railroading sacrificed it all and became coach cleaners instead. If you were a Railroader you would know these insider facts and laugh at them.

Amazing how some people can stand on a pedestal and preach. In a perfect World we would all never bend the rules.

Who cares what those posters think. If they are so appalled at you two *gasp* climbing on some raggedy ass coaches and taking pictures, then tough.

I would hope you reconsider resigning.

  by Paul
If you worked at the railroad and came out with this crap, the manager would just simply hand you the resignation form and have you turn in any issued rr property and have the special agents escort you off the property, and call human resources for your replacement. BTW, What was your name again?

  by jg greenwood
Stick around lirrmike. All railroad forums have experts up the ying-yang. We also have an abundance of self-righteous, know-it-all individuals more than ready to criticize those with different opinions. Some will even dog us for running 1-mph. over the speed limit. :wink:

  by Otto Vondrak
lirrmike- Thank you very much for your years of helpful volunteer service to this site. You will be missed.
