Gray Lady has noted the passage of the Bar Car in Today's Print Edition Page 1 'Below the Fold': ... r-car.html" onclick=";return false;
I'm not certain if this Brief Passage is factually correct:
- Since before World War II, when rail was king and Prohibition was dead, the rolling saloon has been a national staple — its contents relied upon to make the strangers less strange, the commutes less interminable. But over the years, the bar cars began to disappear: Chicago, one of the last holdouts, abandoned its bar service in 2008.
At the end, only Metro-North remained, according to the American Public Transportation Association
Last time I checked, Bar Car Clubs
still operate on METRA/UP/CNW North Line serving places like Winnetka, Lake Forest, and Kennilworth (I'm talkin' Rye, Greenwich, Westport kind of towns). However these are Clubs using former C&NW (UP styled) Lounge Cars placed at the head of Outbound trains.
Be sure to check out the linked material within The Times article.