• Rail Train

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by octr202
Any idea when they'll be coming thru Cambridge on the Grand Jct.? That'd be a catch on that line...

  by 130MM
l008com wrote: And I'm still dying to know how they got this rail off the train to begin with!
The end of the first string is pulled off the train by a bucket loader or speed swing until the end touches the ground. The machine then holds the ends, and the train pulls ahead. So essentially the train is pulled out from underneath the rail. And when the end of the string gets near to the end of the next string, the two are connected using a chain, joint bar or steel plate. If the crew is good the train doesn't even have to be stopped. Once the two are connected the weight of the first string on the ground is sufficient to hold the second string in place while the train pulls out from beneath it. And so it goes until the whole train is unloaded.


  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
i saw the P&W engines on their journey home yesterday morning, 7/18 on a EXTRA MBTA train. it had a GP40MC 1137 leading, 1 single, and 5 doubles, w/ the 2006 and 2007 attached to the rear of the train this was at 9:00 am

  by paulrail

That must have been quite a sight;.........two P&W engines pushing an MBTA commuter train! :-D

I hope someone got pictures! LOL


  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
no, they were not pushing, they were just along for the ride, the engines weren't on

  by l008com
BTW I just checked tonight, all of the rail cars are still sitting at Anderson. Which sucks because the signals are all lit up constantly, so I can't tell if a train really is coming or not ;-)

  by l008com
So any idea when they are actually going to install all of this new rail they put down? Also, how do they get the trail ON the trail train? :-)
  by GP40MC1118
The rail train has been gone for a while.

The rail gang has been working between Wilmington and N.Billerica
for about a month now. They have finished the No.2 Track and
just started No.1 Track last week.