• General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by Mike Roque
I'm having trouble registering
  1. Don't use AOL's web browser
    If you're using AOL's browser, you may have trouble seeing our confirmation code image. Try using another browser. See AOL Browser Issues for more information. If you still can't register, contact us to help you register.
Some of our users have experienced login and posting trouble while using AOL's browser. This occurs because AOL's browser interferes with our forum's session and login tracking system.

Most of the time, using another web browser outside of AOL (Firefox, IE, etc.) solves the problem.

Does this mean I can't use AOL to look at RAILROAD.NET?
No. All it means is that once you have connected to the Internet using your AOL account, you have to launch another web browser to use RAILROAD.NET. The AOL web browser is not fully compatible with our site.

We suggest Firefox, an excellent and free browser:

I just registered, but I haven't received my activation email
  1. Check your junk mail/spam folder
    You might not see (or even receive) activation emails if they get intercepted by your spam filters. Make sure your filters allow you to receive email from RAILROAD.NET.
  2. Re-send the activation email
    If you still don't receive the activation email, re-send your activation email.
  3. Contact us
    If you still don't receive the activation email, send us an email from the address you registered with so we can validate it and activate your account.
I'm already a member, but I am unable to log in
  1. Don't use AOL's web browser
  2. Clear your RAILROAD.NET cookies
    This includes any cookies for http://www.railroad.net or railroad.net.
  3. Re-bookmark RAILROAD.NET
    Make sure your bookmarks point to http://www.railroad.net or railroad.net, not our IP address. Also, if you bookmarked after logging in, then there is a chance your bookmark URL contains "&sid=....". This stands for your Session ID which is how the web server knows who you are and associates you with your login. The sid will change for different sessions, but if your bookmark contains the sid, you may not be able to log in properly.
  4. Retrieve your password
If you forgot your password, but you know your username and email address, you can retrieve your password.[/list]If you still have trouble, contact us.

I forgot my password
  1. Retrieve your password
    If you forgot your password, but you know your username and email address, you can retrieve your password.
I'm still having trouble logging in
  1. Don't use AOL's web browser
  2. Clear your RAILROAD.NET cookies
    This includes any cookies for http://www.railroad.net or railroad.net.
  3. Re-bookmark RAILROAD.NET
    Make sure your bookmarks point to http://www.railroad.net or railroad.net, not our IP address. Also, if you bookmarked after logging in, then there is a chance your bookmark URL contains "&sid=....". This stands for your Session ID which is how the web server knows who you are and associates you with your login. The sid will change for different sessions, but if your bookmark contains the sid, you may not be able to log in properly.
I'm STILL having trouble!

Contact us for help
  by Mike Roque
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