• MBTA rail station brain-teaser

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by MBTA1
I couldn't guess all of them but I think I have a few

1- Boylston or Hynes?
3- Kendall (Get it Ken Doll)
4- Quincy Center, Quincy Adams
6- WILD GUESS: Symphony?
7- Charles (Charles Stewart) :-D

  by jwhite07
1. Stony Brook
2. Forest Hills
3. Kendall
4. Quincy Adams
5. Uhhh... B, as in "b-list bands"?
6. Symphony
7. Butler
8. Harvard
  by efin98
smashmont wrote:An MBTA station name is the correct answer to each of these riddles I created. Good luck!

1. The stop on Boston's Boylston Street farthest from the BPL.

I know this is a bit unconventional, but how about Fenway...it's not too far from Boylston Street so it may qualify...

If not, then the Boylston Street Station itself.
2. On some maps you can change here for the E, and the F.
South Station?
3. With Barbie's boy on the U-Bahn?
4. City of two Presidents? No, actually...
the Quincy stops...?
5. White and the Trachtenburg are along the same line as this one.
Blue Line?
6. Named by neighborhood composers? (Edit 8:08 PM -- NOT Symphony!)
7. In murder mysteries, you usually find this one involved.
Government Center?
8. Known for free thinking.

Thanks for the brainteasers, been a while since someone created one of these...

  by CSX Conductor
Ed for question #1 I have to agree with Jonathon........the question simply says on Boston's Boylston Street, and there are 2....the one we all know of as well as one in Jamaica Plain. :-)

  by hebron_hapt
There are 3 on Boylston St, using that thinking. Chinatown SB has entrances at the foot of Boylston St, in the dear departed Combat Zone.

  by efin98
CSX Conductor wrote:Ed for question #1 I have to agree with Jonathon........the question simply says on Boston's Boylston Street, and there are 2....the one we all know of as well as one in Jamaica Plain. :-)
Ah, I knew it was a trick somewhere in there! He is correct as well

  by Ron Newman
8. Maverick

  by efin98
4 has to be Braintree...home to the Adams family(John and John Quincy that is) Don't forget that Quincy came from the town of Braintree :wink:

  by efin98
Smashmont, keep it up. Those were some of the trickiest questions around.

  by Ron Newman
what are 'White' and 'the Trachtenburg' ?

  by Ron Newman
I love the trick questions. Please post more soon.

  by efin98
How about a few from me...I hope they aren't too easy

1. This section is in New York County as well as Suffolk County(MA)

2. This station was fun in the sun for years(and may still be)

3. This station used to put you behind bars(in Suffolk County at least)

4. This station has a heck of a climb down, but you would never know by the look from the street

5. This station's shape makes you wonder WHY they didn't build it somewhere else

6. This station is named for a gathering each weekend, but which station?

7. These two stations are named for hills, yet are built in valleys between them

8. These stations have had three names over the years, yet have changed only once(renovationwise)

9. This station isn't a station any more...for trains at least

  by Ron Newman
1. World Trade Center
2. Revere Beach
3. Charles
4. Porter
7. Forest Hills, Brookline Hills
8. State (Devonshire, Milk); Haymarket (Union, Friend); Chinatown (Boylston, Essex); Hynes/ICA (Massachusetts, Auditorium)
9. Dudley (could also be Savin Hill, Science Park, or Lechmere, at least right now)

  by Pete
6. Haymarket

Yawkey is behind several bars, too.

  by ckb
5. JFK/UMass (the Y in the Red Line and the station is designed awkwardly with inbound trains arriving on two different platforms)?