• Destruction of ex MEC Calais Branch now underway

  • Discussion relating to the pre-1983 B&M and MEC railroads. For current operations, please see the Pan Am Railways Forum.
Discussion relating to the pre-1983 B&M and MEC railroads. For current operations, please see the Pan Am Railways Forum.

Moderator: MEC407

  by b&m 1566
It looks like the state is in some trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if a judge orders the rail removal project to stop until this thing is figure out. If this guy owns that section of the ROW then chances are the state owns nothing. Taking land by eminent domain might be hard to come by for a rail-trail. What does this mean for the Downeast Scenic Railroad?
  by sandyriverman
When the state bought the line they bought what Maine Central owned which was, at least, the rails, ties and other appurtenances that were left in place plus the right to operate a railroad over that corridor someday. Lot of difference between a railroad owned by a private company and a free-for-all anything goes playground for idiots.

I lived in Beddington for a number of years and spent a lot of time on ATV trails and gravel roads. The garbage and destruction of property by ignorant machine owners has to be seen to be believed. Many I have seen believe that the public "owns it" so they can use it as they see fit.

Big question is who is going to enforce the laws on this monstrosity? Good question. That's exactly what Mr Henderson is afraid of. He has been around a long time and seen just what the public can do to piece of land when they open the gates and let the idiots loose. We put up signs and gates to keep em off our property it was so bad so I can't blame him.

If it was indeed "railbanked" whatever the hell that term means in legalese then the Pooh-bahs should have left every stinking bit of the railroad right where it was. But you would have to look hard in Augusta, Maine to find anyone with the good enough sense to leave anything alone these days.

  by rrobserver1
One needs to read the article carefully. The judge has only denied the states request for an immediate restraining order to remove the berms henderson placed on the tracks. Nothing has been decided in this case as to the actual issues of ownership, etc. I'm sure this will take a bit more time to sort out.

  by b&m 1566
I was looking at Calais, ME from Google Maps and noticed the Calais Branch ROW comes to a dead end near Barker St; was the Calais Branch always a dead end line or was there a bridge in that area crossing over the boarder? I saw the connection just south (railroad west?) of the Calais turntable/roundhouse but was surprised not to see a bridge in the area of Barker St.
  by oibu
The bridge at Salmon Falls (by the old roundhouse) over to teh CP was the only international bridge in Calais. Never any other connections or border crossings in Calais, not really much need for 2 bridges a mile or two apart going to the same place.
  by Mikejf
What was the outcome of the gentleman blocking off the ROW as it crossed his land? I haven't heard or read anything for quite a while on this.