• Yellow Ties!

  • Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.
Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.

Moderator: MBTA F40PH-2C 1050

  by fizzlejibs
Boy, how about these yellow ties!?! Now this is an amazing technology break through to help stop run-through switches. If someone forgets to throw the switch, don't worry, that yellow tie will stop them!

I do like the fact that they mark clearance points more clearly, but after reading about this whole idea it seems that it's suppossed to help stop human error run throughs more than anything.

Oh well, just another reason to work as slow as possible.

  by DutchRailnut
instead of a rant maybe you should explain what your talking about??
nobody knows anything about yellow ties ??
are they pained as clearance points ??
Did CSX actualy have run trough switches ???

  by kb0lvz
Is the fact that the ties are yellow a cause for working more slowly or is it an excuse?

Are they actually painted yellow or just afraid of trains?

And how does a yellow tie stop someone from throwing a switch improperly, do they recite the manual if a train approaches or do they jump up and wave a lantern?

I think a few details are in order as an internet search for yellow ties comes up with nothing railroad related.

  by Cowford
The "yellow tie" is just a visual marker- a tie and rail painted bright yellow- to identify clearance points on yard ladder tracks. It is a very low-tech solution (no critisism here) to in-yard sideswipes caused by equipment fouling another track... it's not there to prevent crews running through switches.

  by CSX Conductor
Apparantly the Yellow Tie Program was created by the CSX boys down in the South.

What about when it snows? DUH!! Do we have to urinate on the snow at the clearance point for those that cannot either (1) visually judge the clearance on their own or (2) if in doubt whether it will clear or not, leave it back a bit further

Sorry but this yellow marking is nothing new either, many yards have markings on the rail to mark clearance points, although over time they have faded a bit.

  by fizzlejibs
The yellow tie program is supossed to be a system wide program from what I understand. Surely anyone who works on CSX territory has heard about it by now. It's a life critical violation to go by the yellow tie before throwing the switch. If you can get ahold of the brochure that is out you can read for yourself..."A YELLOW painted tie that marks the clearance point of yard tracks. This YELLOW tie identifies a point on each track where a crew should yield, stop, or check to assure the route is lined for their movement." That is right out of the booklet I hold in my hand. Another one..."This program has been initiated as a tool to aide us in our goal of 0 run thru switches and human factor derailments and to assure that all our T.E.A.M. continue to go home injury free." Then it goes on to list the rules for how to throw the switches and check the route. Like I said, not so much about clearance issues as it is running through switches. But like I said to begin with....if your going to run through the switch, a yellow tie means nothing.

"Is the fact that the ties are yellow a cause for working more slowly or is it an excuse?"

It will be a cuase. All these little things really add up. I've already been talked to by co-workers for checking the switch points after I throw a switch. The exact quote was.."You keep looking at those switch points all night we're not going to get anything done". He's right. But guess what, I don't care. Cause if I don't check those points and a car derails due to a gap, it's my a$$.
Same with safety stops. Engineers get pissed off because you safety stop them all night long. Do you think I care? I can see if the couplers are lined as I'm bringing him back to make the hitch. But if you're more than 250' away you better do the safety stop because if you get caught not doing it you'll be written up for it. So waste a little more time and just do it to cover yourself. But there goes a little more time. But the main point here is that they keep coming out with these ideas and rules to MAKE you work slower....I'm sorry, safer...that you can't help but just work slow. And if all the switching doesn't get done, someone is going to bitch about it.
  by pharmerphil54
Actually saw my first yellow ties last week at New Yard in South Boston but I have not seen the Official Explaination. Either I'm out of the loop or the info hasn't been released to us folks here on the ragged edge of the Great CSX Empire.

  by ClassIRailroader
Management developed the rulebook. If you obey all the rules (even though some are quite useless) and some trainmaster wants to complain about work not getting done, throw the rulebook in his face (not literally!) and there's nothing they can say.

  by CSX Conductor
PharmerPhil, that tie was painted yellow for a different reason............ to get that hogger to stop rushing and slow down, perhaps go for coffee while downtown. LOL

As far as the program, T passed a couple of info sheets on them around a couple of weeks ago. I will copy what I got and fax them to you if you work tomorrow at the same place you were working tonight.

Fizzlejibbs, don't bust balls with old-timers when you are rather new........you'll just make a bad image for yourself. Besides, we will never be able to keep management happy all the time.

And as far as the yellow ties to note that one is approahing a switch, is this evidence that people are not familiar with where the switches are in the yards that they work?!?!?!? If it is to avoid collisions with other jobs working in the same area, what about the S.O.F.A. rules? (i.e. multiple crews switching into same track or adjacent tracks must establish communication with each other before switching, etc) ?!?!?

  by Xplorer2000
Of course, the "yellow tie" only works in cases when the engineer is actually "on" the locomotive where He can actually SEE it. Now, what happens with "Mr. Remote Control Operator", who is either on the ground, or otherwise removed from the direct line of sight, and CAN'T see either the Yellow Tie, or the clearance point??? I give them an "A" for effort for the idea, though. Its actually a sensible idea.

  by CSX Conductor
Xplorer, I meant to post earlier about your comment about the remote operator on the ground. A trainmen operating a remote control unit MAY still ride the engine either on the platform/pilot or inside the cab. Most engines equipped for remote operations can still be operate by an engineer sitting at the controls, the only difference is that the RC engines have a tag / lock-out device to prevent conventional operation while being used by an RC operator and vice-versa.
  by rocketman
I think the yellow tie program is a good idea. So long as they are painted in the right place, they serve to improve the safety for those affected by them. Too often cars are left in the foul or so close that anyone riding the side of a car stands to be crushed or rolled to death. At night cars in the foul are much more difficult to see than during the day time. If everyone abides by this new improvement then we all stand to benefit by it's enforcement.
  by rocketman
I believe the clear reason for the yellow tie, is when a crew drops cars on a track and needs to make sure that the end of the equipment isn't too close to the trailing end of the switch. The yellow tie doesn't prevent running through a switch it just identifies the clearance point for the two routes that exit the switch. So long as the equipment is left secured behind the yellow mark, any equipment passing and crew members riding the side of equipment through the other route of the switch can do so safely. Naturally there are alot of what-ifs that adversely affect the situation, such as cars rolling into the foul of a switch (such as at the pulling end of a class yard). That's why the rule says when riding the side of equipment to face the direction of movement. It's also part of restricted speed (when affected by it) to control the movement to be able to stop within one half the range of vision short of other equipment, obstructions, mis-alinged switches, derails, broken and mis-alinged track/rail.

  by CSX Conductor
I understand the reaoning behind it as far as clearances, but some have said that if you come down a yard track, you must stop before the yellow tie and have a crew member go out to the lead to ensure no other movements are coming to avoid collision....and if a crew passes the yellow tie without doing this, it will be considered a Stop signal violation.

with being short-handed as it is, can we afford to lose more crew members because of this?!?!