The yellow tie program is supossed to be a system wide program from what I understand. Surely anyone who works on CSX territory has heard about it by now. It's a life critical violation to go by the yellow tie before throwing the switch. If you can get ahold of the brochure that is out you can read for yourself..."A YELLOW painted tie that marks the clearance point of yard tracks. This YELLOW tie identifies a point on each track where a crew should yield, stop, or check to assure the route is lined for their movement." That is right out of the booklet I hold in my hand. Another one..."This program has been initiated as a tool to aide us in our goal of 0 run thru switches and human factor derailments and to assure that all our T.E.A.M. continue to go home injury free." Then it goes on to list the rules for how to throw the switches and check the route. Like I said, not so much about clearance issues as it is running through switches. But like I said to begin with....if your going to run through the switch, a yellow tie means nothing.
"Is the fact that the ties are yellow a cause for working more slowly or is it an excuse?"
It will be a cuase. All these little things really add up. I've already been talked to by co-workers for checking the switch points after I throw a switch. The exact quote was.."You keep looking at those switch points all night we're not going to get anything done". He's right. But guess what, I don't care. Cause if I don't check those points and a car derails due to a gap, it's my a$$.
Same with safety stops. Engineers get pissed off because you safety stop them all night long. Do you think I care? I can see if the couplers are lined as I'm bringing him back to make the hitch. But if you're more than 250' away you better do the safety stop because if you get caught not doing it you'll be written up for it. So waste a little more time and just do it to cover yourself. But there goes a little more time. But the main point here is that they keep coming out with these ideas and rules to MAKE you work slower....I'm sorry, safer...that you can't help but just work slow. And if all the switching doesn't get done, someone is going to bitch about it.