• Would you do it again?

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by uprr
Just curious now that you have been railroading for a career for sometime would you choose that same career path?

  by LCJ
When I hired on in 1969, my idea was to do it for a while -- until something better comes along. Time flew by, because it was 27 years before something better came along -- and I never would have been prepared to do that something better if not for my varied and extensive experience with railroading.

Some parts of the railroad were not so good, but mostly it was a pretty good way to earn a living -- all things considered.

I would have done many things differently, if knew then what I know now. But I don't regret the original act of hiring in 1969.

  by rail
no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unfortunately the cash is to good.

  by jg greenwood
LCJ pretty well sums it up. If I knew then (1966) what I know now. In many ways the carrier has managed to eliminate much of the joy of railroading. I know LCJ, only if you've let them. :wink:

  by LCJ
Hah! It's a good student you are. :-D

  by slchub
Nope. But hey, it is like that in any industry. When I worked in the airline industry I'd have captains ask me why iwas working for an airline and I should wise up and get out. Now the old head on the railroad say the same thing. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there always seems to be greener pastures out there. Enjoy the job, listen to the old heads, think it through, and save you money.

  by blippo
yes, if I had to do it all over again, I would.

I know it seems unbelievable, but several times each year (five times in 2005) I am faced with that same question. Do I start up another railroad, or should I "Go Legit"? There is good, and bad in every carreer, I suppose. My "other" job is a flats fishing guide, in southeast Florida. There are days it rains, is too windy, or the fish just aren't there..... Not too many folks would complain about a life spent fishing, you would think, but they do. I am somewhat fortunate, in the case of the first career. When I get tired of the BS, whether from the managers, or the laborers, I can pack my bags, and go home, and await the next offer. I DO pass on more work, than I accept, and the water pays the bills, between jobs on the road. Time on this planet is WAY to short, to be a prisoner in some lousy job, whether it's a RR job, or not. I DO decide, many times over, that, YES, I would do it again. There is still too much fun, and too much freedom, to be had ridin' the rails, than to be a prisoner of a cubicle, or factory, no matter what the salary being paid. Just my opine here, your results may vary. Regards :-D

  by conrail_engineer
Absolutely not. It's created a rut I can't seem to get out of...combination of high pay and grueling working conditions; and a work schedule that precludes any off-time life.

Life is too short and, although you may have many jobs in your lifetime, you only get one body. Amazing how such an easy, non-strenuous job has, with bureaucrats calling the shots and writing reams of memos and rulebooks, turned into a test of endurance - carting the rules books around and up/down from locomotives; dealing with poor seats and lateral motion and other problems to where they injure the back; and such an erratic sleep/wake/eat cycle we're many of us at risk of diabetes or digestive problems.

And then, we're all at mercy of management with their changing ways of doing business: RCOs; single-man crews; the lengthened day...where we're paid by the mile but used by the hour, reducing the per-hour pay to not much better than other jobs.

No, I would not do it again. But I'm committed; the pension's too important now to forfeit.

  by Big Block
Sounds a lot like the same situation working for the airlines 'conrail_engineer'. As we say "Too much time here to quit...but not enough to retire".

When things were going really badly 2-3 years ago ( ready for the axe to fall ) I began seriously considering a career in railroading ( conductor/engineer ). It was either get in with NS, as they always had hiring sessions here about every month, or going to school ( I pay ) to go with CSX. Couldn't see depleting my "acorns for a long winter money" going to school with no job guarantee, and the NS guy running the session privately told us ( me and a few other airline mech co-workers ) that we should stay where we are while we're still working! Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

  by koen
YES allways , its a fun job , good payment and i have great co workers.
  by Barbecue King
I don't actually work for the railroad, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I am applying for a job with UP, leaving my current job after 14 years. Reading through the replies, let me say that whether it is Boeing, the railroad, or a major retail discounter, there are always people at the top pushing their own agendas and making your life miserable (that is, if you let them). My wife is a teacher; you should hear what she has to say about her "idiot principal." I think that the post that said that the "grass is greener on the other side" definitely applies. No matter who you are or what company you work for, your chain will be yanked. My doctor said that he was getting out of medicine because the clinic that he works for and the insurance companies will not let him treat patients as he knows that they need to be treated. I could tell you about things in retail management that would curl your hair; just as there are probably things about the railroad that I do not really want to know.