• what makes a topic "popular"

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General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by benltrain
what amount of posts in what amount of time makes a topic popular, or is it something else?

  by Irish Chieftain
Sixteen posts or more, if I'm not mistaken.

  by benltrain
Irish Chieftain wrote:Sixteen posts or more, if I'm not mistaken.
sixteen posts in one day? thanks

  by charlie6017
No, not all in one day...........16 total.

  by benltrain
charlie6017 wrote:No, not all in one day...........16 total.
that is wrong. plenty of topics are "unpopular" with 16 posts

  by natethegreat
I believe it becomes popular when there is 3 or more pages.

  by benltrain
No, some two page topics are popular. I think that is just because a topic has to get a lot of posts in a short time to get started up.

i think it is posts per day.. maybe 16???

  by benltrain
otto, do you know? otherwise i am going to try it in the testing forum, and i'd rather avoid it as it could be considered against the rules and is not really in the spirit of rr.net. it could be seen as posting just to raise number of posts...

  by ANDY117
number of views... It's popular after i believe 100.

  by David Benton
Does it really matter ? .I've never even noticed it on this forum .

  by benltrain
i am going to have to say either when views=900 or when posts=somewhere in the 2 page range

  by Otto Vondrak
As soon as you find out the answer, PLEASE E-MAIL ME IMMEDIATELY! I must know this information! It's been keeping us all up at night.

Eagerly waiting by the computer for your detailed report,


p.s. - The light in the refrigerator really does go out when you close the door. Honest.

  by benltrain
Otto Vondrak wrote:As soon as you find out the answer, PLEASE E-MAIL ME IMMEDIATELY! I must know this information! It's been keeping us all up at night.

Eagerly waiting by the computer for your detailed report,


p.s. - The light in the refrigerator really does go out when you close the door. Honest.

no, i was just curious, and am done trying to figure this out...

  by F40
I believe it is 25 replies for a topic to be "popular."

  by ANDY117

It's views=100, or posts=15.