• Survival planning

  • General discussion related to all railroad clubs, museums, tourist and scenic lines. Generally this covers museums with static displays, museums that operate excursions, scenic lines that have museums, and so on. Check out the Tourist Railway Association (TRAIN) for more information.
General discussion related to all railroad clubs, museums, tourist and scenic lines. Generally this covers museums with static displays, museums that operate excursions, scenic lines that have museums, and so on. Check out the Tourist Railway Association (TRAIN) for more information.

Moderators: rob216, Miketherailfan

  by urr304
Many rail history/museums have a survival challenge. Some groups are thriving, some are faltering as time goes on. Following is part of a discussion I had with a friend when he was concentrating on trying to save a locomotive.

Got to have a succession plan. Guys our age [60+] are now at top or end (depending on your outlook) of the scale.

People in their thirties and forties would be in the middle, supplying the most physical work. Unfortunately, this group seems to be the least populated, but many in this group have careers building and families.

Last group are those in late teens and twenties, learning the different jobs. Groups have to be receptive to these youngsters, but they need to be broken in.

It takes a lot of different people doing different jobs to keep it moving, just like the railroads themselves.