• Shoo Fly Derailment

  • Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.
Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.

Moderator: MBTA F40PH-2C 1050

  by fizzlejibs
Sometime around midnight April 4-5 there was a derailment at Shoo Fly on the Keystone Sub. I don't know a whole lot about it but an eastbound derailed about 3 cars, 2 autoracks for sure. The derailment tied up traffic in all directions for hours because the train was sitting on a bottle neck section of single main and ripped out one of the switches. After being drug for a ways, the 2 loaded autoracks took a ride over a 50-60 foot hill into the woods. Nobody was hurt, besides the new cars that were in those autoracks.

  by CSX Conductor
Time to review the Computer pod training and review the "Safe handling of autos" section again. LOL

  by fizzlejibs
Hahaha Yeah. Rule 7001: Train crews handling loaded autoracks shall not exceed 30 mph while rolling autoracks down hills into wooded areas.