by GN 599
Today a had the pleasure of running the EL 3657. Okay its MRL 332, and mated with our RCO engine but that counts, sort of. To the untrained eye it looks like a SD45-2, as you all know that is not so. When I was walking out the back door, inside the door jamb is grey, paint with maroon and yellow stripes. This obviously is how I knew its lineage. I noticed the very long fuel tank and remembered that the EL bought SDP45's without steam generators for the larger fuel tank. I thought maybe the MRL modified it as it has a SD45-2 radiator/fan arrangement. By doing some sluething on George Elwoods handy fallen flags railroad site. I found lots of pics of it, wrecked too! I guess the EL did the work on it after a wreck. Does anyone know when, where or any specifics on its wreck. Maybe how much of the original locomotive they used. The carbody looked destroyed. Anyway I thought I would share my first EL SDP45 experience and I must say she is one big mutha! Seems like a neat motor with an long and interesting life. What a trooper