• river line Derailment

  • Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.
Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.

Moderator: MBTA F40PH-2C 1050

  by LCJ
Noel Weaver wrote:In my opinion, many of the accidents migh have been preventable had the crew(s) had proper rest in the first place.
No question about it -- the sleep deprivation issue is critical to safety of operations. If you haven't lived it, you don't know how lack of sufficient, regular sleep affects your whole life -- health, happiness, alertness, attitude, and longevity.

My opinion: this is something that begs for cooperation between all parties. Lacking that, then regulatory action is called for (horrors!).

With the crew we have in DC now, it's not likely to come to pass....

  by charlie6017
Noel and Larry, very well said.............