• Questions about First Line Supervisor for Maintanence

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by dabigezeii
Hello I was just hired for the First Line Supervisor for Maintanence in KS. I was just trying to get some backround on the position. i.e. What will the hours be for each super, how long is the training, is the job stressful or stressfree. Any words of wisdom that I can get will be highly useful. Anyone please help me out throw a brother a bone.
  by MikeJ
dabigezeii wrote:Hello I was just hired for the First Line Supervisor for Maintanence in KS. I was just trying to get some backround on the position. i.e. What will the hours be for each super, how long is the training, is the job stressful or stressfree. Any words of wisdom that I can get will be highly useful. Anyone please help me out throw a brother a bone.

It will be shift work, training should be between 6-12 months depending on your background, the job may or may not be stressful, that depends on how you deal with things.
  by dabigezeii
Someone told me that i should think real hard about moving so far from home because there are time where there is no work from 3-6months at a time. Is this true? I would hate to movie and find out that the work is not consistent.
  by dabigezeii
Can you elaborate on this question... Someone told me that i should think real hard about moving so far from home because there are time where there is no work from 3-6months at a time. Is this true? I would hate to movie and find out that the work is not consistent.
  by MikeJ
dabigezeii wrote:Can you elaborate on this question...

There is nothing to elaborate on. That is just down right false. Maintanence always needs to be done (it is federally mandated), plus the transportation personnel tend to beat the shit out of equipment, so there is a never ending supply of broken equipment caused by them (as well as industries that bang up cars).