• Railway Safety Act of 2023

  • For topics on Class I and II passenger and freight operations more general in nature and not specifically related to a specific railroad with its own forum.
For topics on Class I and II passenger and freight operations more general in nature and not specifically related to a specific railroad with its own forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by farecard
The idea that Vance is doing something/anything for "Big Labor" is clearly off the tracks and on the ground. But it's the WSJ...

And the idea a spill such as that can ever be "cleaned up" is wishful thinking. At best, they remove some of the contaminated soil, and THEN, where do they move the megatons of hazardous waste to?

As for 'any injuries' - not all are obvious immediately. Look at Black Lung, NFL=> CTE, and post-combat PTSD/veteran suicide rates.
  by daybeers
Thank you. "The Journal" is an extremely biased news source; honestly I consider it opinion more than fact.
  by eolesen
Well... if you look at voting trends, individual union members are swinging more conservative than liberal so I wouldn't discount Vance's motives just based on party affiliation.

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