by STrRedWolf
And guess what's coming down the line. Ohio's senators (Democrat and Republican) are introducing the Railway Safety Act of 2023. ... b9mS5gGiKs
They link to the preliminary bill text above, but let me see if I can reduce it down: ... b9mS5gGiKs
They link to the preliminary bill text above, but let me see if I can reduce it down:
- Direct the Secretary of Transportation to issue regulations within 1 year of the law getting enacted.
- Regulations cover shipping of hazardous material not subject to high-hazard flammable train regulations (Title 49 Section 174.310) -- shippers/rail carriers will be required to follow it with respect to operations and tank car maintenance
- ...Shipper/rail carrier has to provide advance notice of the transportation of said hazardous material to every emergency response agency along the route, including a gas discharge plan. This includes those from high-hazard flammable trains.
- ...Shipper/rail carrier has to "reduce or eliminate blocked crossing resulting from delays in train movements"
- ...regulations on train length, weight, consist, route analysis and selection, speed restrictions, track standards, maintenance requirements, signaling/train control, response plans, and "any other requirements that the Secretary deems are necessary."
- Enact inspection requirements including minimum time requirements for inspectors to spend per car/locomotive, with separate time requirements for hazardous materials, and tweaking pre-departure inspections.
- Standardize defect detector installation, repair, testing, maintenance, and operation via regulation
- Require the Class I's put a hotbox detector every 10 miles.
- Audit all the Federal rail car inspection programs within 60 days of law enactment for compliance with Title 49 part 215.
- Re-audit all class I railroads at least once every five years.
- A sample group of Class II/III railroads get audited every year, determined by the Secretary of Transportation
- If the audit fails, the railroad has to fix the inspection program ASAP.
- Audits will ask everyone, including the unions, for info (documents and testimony)
- Railroads and all railroad employees (including unions) have to cooperate with the audits. Non-compliance gets reported to Congress.
- Every 3 years, Title 49 Part 215 gets reviewed for any needed updates.
- Every year, the Secretary of Transportation has to publish a summary report of audit findings and updates to Title 49 Part 215.
- 2 crew member freight trains, minimum. 1 conductor, 1 engineer, during normal operations.
- Exceptions include non-main-line track operations; freight operated by railroads under 400K total employee work hours and less than $40M annual revenue (adjusted for inflation), speeds no more than 25 MPH, track less than 2% grade over any segment of at least 2 continuous miles; rescue locomotives; assistive locomotives (aka pushers for Altoona); locomotives not attach to anything or only to a caboose, but travels no less than 30 miles; operations that were 1 person at the time of enactment but achieve equal levels of safety from above compliance.
- Exceptions to the exceptions include consists that have at least 1 car full of a toxic-by-inhalation material; 20+ tanks of flammable liquid in one continuous block or 35+ tanks in the entire consist; trains with a total length of at least 7500 feet (roughly 88+ cars plus engines)
- Waivers can be applied for.
- Penalties are jacked up ten-fold at the minimum and top at up to 1% of annual operating income.
- DOT-111 spec rail tank cars that don't comply to DOT-117/117P/117R requirements can't be used to transport flammable liquids, starting May 1st 2025 (2025-05-01).
- The Class 1's get taxed $1M yearly to fund emergency response hazardous material training for first responders via grants.
- $22M is dedicated for research grants into better wayside defect detectors through the FRA
- $5M is dedicated for research into stronger/safer tank cars, valves, and other safety features through the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Train travel is a valid cure for extreme burnout.
Throng: Nomadic Railways series out now!
Throng: Nomadic Railways series out now!