I have been taking up an interest in Dubois, Pa due to the Little Depot Restaurant. I love the collection of rail cars. It appears to be quite popular as the 3 times I've been there, the bar [converted boxcar] is always full of people. I ordered a pizza this time and ate the whole thing! I recommend it. Anyways.....
I usually take 219N to get back to Buffalo but decided to head over to Clarion and head North on 66 and retrace the my original trip described on page 1. I'm so happy I did. There are some sections of the ROW that have been "upgraded." From some starting point in Clarion [not certain where yet] and heading north to the Lucinda depot, appears to be asphalted the whole way. About 10 miles. But the row in the immediate area of the Lucinda Depot is stone. Just north of Lucinda the row goes back to dirt but looks maintained. But upon approaching the JCT of 66 and 36, it is dirt and barely maintained at all.
This is a picture of the Lucinda depot:
https://i.postimg.cc/5jcXfkwp/IMG-1263.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
A side note: I had no idea that the Lucinda depot existed. It was due to stopping to photograph the St Joseph Church around noon [beautiful at sunset]. I stopped across the street but didn't want to turn around on such a steep road so I just kept going until I could easily turn around. Hence, I found the depot purely by chance or...….influence? Hmmmmmmm. I plan on riding the trail and visit the church during the summer.
https://i.postimg.cc/jjqm8xGQ/IMG-1262.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Along the way to Marienville and through the Alleghany Forest, the row was not improved, at least not for biking. Mostly for either hiking or riding horses. I may check it out during the summer. Having not been in Marienville for several years, I couldn't remember where the stall was. I parked the car at the Marienville depot and got the bike out. The row is stoned for walking or riding about 1 mile or so north and south of the depot. Nice ride. But I also found that the shed has been torn down. The concrete blocks for the wall have been used to fill in everything. The concrete floor is basically still in place. Google still shows it standing.
Depot looking north:
https://i.postimg.cc/d0KtDyZQ/IMG-1264.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
North end of path:
https://i.postimg.cc/W4bpMP8x/IMG-1267.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
South end of path:
https://i.postimg.cc/vmcFY838/IMG-1266.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Remains of the shed:
https://i.postimg.cc/bJtSDtqm/IMG-1265.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
The stoned section was pretty nice to ride on but beyond that it was dirt. Maybe during the summer when everything is dry it will be okay to ride on.
From there all the way into Kane, was not upgraded. I was certain from my first trip down 66, it was going to be a long asphalted path so I'm surprised that it isn't. It was also sad to see that Knox and Kane ROW was all ripped up and stacks and stacks of rr ties lay along the row from Kane to 219. The Kane depot looks in great shape and is surrounded buy what appears to be a construction company. They have equipment right up to both sides and the rear wall. Looks like protection rather than destruction. But it's standing.
I forgot all about the private collection along 66 just north of the church. I was so busy looking out the driver side window following the ROW, I never looked out the passenger window.
Hopefully my next update won't be 5 years from now......hopefully this summer.