by UPRR engineer
From the January 1936 Railroad Stories Magazine .
January 1
1832-American Railroad Journal, first rail publication in US, inaugurated by D. Kimball Minor, N.Y. city, not to make money but to educate public to need for railroads.
1838-B&O. gets Govt. contract to carry mail between Baltimore and Washington.
1842-P.R.R reaches Pottsville, Pa.
1852-F.M. Ray offers prizes to inventors "to promote safety and comfort in the railroad travel," including $300 for inventor of best "sleeping or night seat" (from which came the first reversible seat back, now common in passenger coaches).
1853-First train from Atlantic seaboard crosses Allegheny Mts. to Ohio River at Wheeling, W. Va., on B&O mainline from Baltimore, MD.
1869-Opening of Uruguay's first railroad.
1870-Jay Cooke, Philadelphia banker who financed the Civil War for the Union, becomes fiscal agent for Northern Pacific Ry.
1874-Direct, continuous line opened between Chicago and New Orleans by extension of 2 roads (now part of I.C.) northward to the Mississippi River near Cairo, Ill.
1882-Wm. C. Van Horne appointed gen. mgr. of Canadian Pacific Ry. (see article by Chas. F. Carter, Aug., '35, issue.)
1889-Work begins on the international railroad tunnel under St. Clair River between Ontario, Canada, and Michigan.
1890- Ontario & Quebec Ry. (now part of C.P. Ry.) opened between London, Ont., and Windsor Quebec.
1893- international agreement for rail and freight traffic becomes effective in Europe.
1895- Bangor & Aroostook Railroad in Maine is opened.
1896-Death of Alfred Ely Beach, inventor of first N.Y. subway line.
1900- P.R.R. pension service established. (This road has since pensioned about 40,000 employees, including Railroad Stories editor's father-Walter W Hubbard, of Philadelphia, P.R.R clerk for 41 years; pensioned Nov. 1, 1935)..... "Casey" Jones, I.C. engineer, promoted to passenger service. (Details in Dec., '32, issue)
1902-Last spike driven on Canadians Northern's Port Arthur-Winnipeg line (now C.N.R.).
1912-Interstate Commerce Commission revises regulations about issuance of passes on all US roads, allowing 4 kinds: annual, trip, suburban or commuters, and telegraph passes; and sharply restricting passes privileges. Before the date railroad passes were given freely for political favors, publicity, charity, ect; now the are virtually limited to railroad employees. (Canadian roads today have a little more leeway than US roads regarding privileges.)
1916-No more wooden cars permitted in the US Ry. Mail Service, by Act of Congress.
1918-US govt. takes over all railroads as war emergency measure.
1923-Under Act of Parliament, all railways of England, Wales and Scotland, numbering 120 are amalgamated into 4 groups; Southern, Great Western, L.M.&S. and L.&N.E.
1925-India Govt. takes over East Indian Ry.
1931-International Engine Picture Club founded. (See article in Jan,. '31, issue, "Collecting Engine Pictures," by Freeman H. Hubbard.)
1934-Trainload of passengers leave Cape Town, South Africa, due at Windhoek Jan. 4th, is marooned by flood. (Passengers did not reach destination until a month later! Details in Nov., '34, issue.)
1936- Atlantic & Northern, said to be Americana's only farm-owned railroad, is abandoned, killed by Iowa motor competition.
January 2
1884-25 killed in railroad collision near Toronto, Canada.
1911-"Overland Limited" held up near Ogden, Utah by 2 bandits; porter slain; loot estimated at $300,000. (Robbers never caught.)
January 3
1831-First B&O dividend declared, 37 1/2c a share.
1905 Death of Engineer Louis Hawks. He made famous run of the old 97, hauling Bloomington fire department to fight big Chicago fire. (Details in Feb., '33, issue.)
1913-First passenger train runs through Winnipeg union station on the new high line.
1916-Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, pioneer builder of U.P., T.&P., ect. dies at Council Bluffs, Ia. (See article by Earle Davis, May, '33.)
1919- Uruguayan Govt. in South America takes over Uruguay Eastern Ry.
January 4
1887-Cornelius Vanderbilt dies, leaving control of N.Y.C. System to son, William..... 20 lives lost in railroad collision near Tiffin, O.
January 5
1832-First railroad chartered in Ohio, the broad-gage Mad River & Lake Erie (Big 4).
1875- Boston & Providence RR opens Park Sq. station, Boston, Mass., said to be the finest in the country. (Abandoned Sept 10 1899)
1876-"Frog War" at Hopewell, N.J. (where Lindbergh baby was kidnapped in 1932). militia involved in fracas when P.R.R. refuses to let Delaware & Bound Brook RR (now part of the Reading System) cross its right-of-way. (Details in Oct., '32, issue.)
January 1
1832-American Railroad Journal, first rail publication in US, inaugurated by D. Kimball Minor, N.Y. city, not to make money but to educate public to need for railroads.
1838-B&O. gets Govt. contract to carry mail between Baltimore and Washington.
1842-P.R.R reaches Pottsville, Pa.
1852-F.M. Ray offers prizes to inventors "to promote safety and comfort in the railroad travel," including $300 for inventor of best "sleeping or night seat" (from which came the first reversible seat back, now common in passenger coaches).
1853-First train from Atlantic seaboard crosses Allegheny Mts. to Ohio River at Wheeling, W. Va., on B&O mainline from Baltimore, MD.
1869-Opening of Uruguay's first railroad.
1870-Jay Cooke, Philadelphia banker who financed the Civil War for the Union, becomes fiscal agent for Northern Pacific Ry.
1874-Direct, continuous line opened between Chicago and New Orleans by extension of 2 roads (now part of I.C.) northward to the Mississippi River near Cairo, Ill.
1882-Wm. C. Van Horne appointed gen. mgr. of Canadian Pacific Ry. (see article by Chas. F. Carter, Aug., '35, issue.)
1889-Work begins on the international railroad tunnel under St. Clair River between Ontario, Canada, and Michigan.
1890- Ontario & Quebec Ry. (now part of C.P. Ry.) opened between London, Ont., and Windsor Quebec.
1893- international agreement for rail and freight traffic becomes effective in Europe.
1895- Bangor & Aroostook Railroad in Maine is opened.
1896-Death of Alfred Ely Beach, inventor of first N.Y. subway line.
1900- P.R.R. pension service established. (This road has since pensioned about 40,000 employees, including Railroad Stories editor's father-Walter W Hubbard, of Philadelphia, P.R.R clerk for 41 years; pensioned Nov. 1, 1935)..... "Casey" Jones, I.C. engineer, promoted to passenger service. (Details in Dec., '32, issue)
1902-Last spike driven on Canadians Northern's Port Arthur-Winnipeg line (now C.N.R.).
1912-Interstate Commerce Commission revises regulations about issuance of passes on all US roads, allowing 4 kinds: annual, trip, suburban or commuters, and telegraph passes; and sharply restricting passes privileges. Before the date railroad passes were given freely for political favors, publicity, charity, ect; now the are virtually limited to railroad employees. (Canadian roads today have a little more leeway than US roads regarding privileges.)
1916-No more wooden cars permitted in the US Ry. Mail Service, by Act of Congress.
1918-US govt. takes over all railroads as war emergency measure.
1923-Under Act of Parliament, all railways of England, Wales and Scotland, numbering 120 are amalgamated into 4 groups; Southern, Great Western, L.M.&S. and L.&N.E.
1925-India Govt. takes over East Indian Ry.
1931-International Engine Picture Club founded. (See article in Jan,. '31, issue, "Collecting Engine Pictures," by Freeman H. Hubbard.)
1934-Trainload of passengers leave Cape Town, South Africa, due at Windhoek Jan. 4th, is marooned by flood. (Passengers did not reach destination until a month later! Details in Nov., '34, issue.)
1936- Atlantic & Northern, said to be Americana's only farm-owned railroad, is abandoned, killed by Iowa motor competition.
January 2
1884-25 killed in railroad collision near Toronto, Canada.
1911-"Overland Limited" held up near Ogden, Utah by 2 bandits; porter slain; loot estimated at $300,000. (Robbers never caught.)
January 3
1831-First B&O dividend declared, 37 1/2c a share.
1905 Death of Engineer Louis Hawks. He made famous run of the old 97, hauling Bloomington fire department to fight big Chicago fire. (Details in Feb., '33, issue.)
1913-First passenger train runs through Winnipeg union station on the new high line.
1916-Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, pioneer builder of U.P., T.&P., ect. dies at Council Bluffs, Ia. (See article by Earle Davis, May, '33.)
1919- Uruguayan Govt. in South America takes over Uruguay Eastern Ry.
January 4
1887-Cornelius Vanderbilt dies, leaving control of N.Y.C. System to son, William..... 20 lives lost in railroad collision near Tiffin, O.
January 5
1832-First railroad chartered in Ohio, the broad-gage Mad River & Lake Erie (Big 4).
1875- Boston & Providence RR opens Park Sq. station, Boston, Mass., said to be the finest in the country. (Abandoned Sept 10 1899)
1876-"Frog War" at Hopewell, N.J. (where Lindbergh baby was kidnapped in 1932). militia involved in fracas when P.R.R. refuses to let Delaware & Bound Brook RR (now part of the Reading System) cross its right-of-way. (Details in Oct., '32, issue.)
Last edited by UPRR engineer on Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:56 am, edited 3 times in total.