by Juniatha
Boys -
you can post what ever you like -
the one who said it all and said it best was José Feliciano with
Light my fire ...
Carter B:
I think there is not much remaining of the depot; they have even torn down the old station of Hamburg-Altona.
A steam loco in 'Bavarian green'? - Dunno ..
There is one Bavarian S3/6 but this Pacific is based in Bavaria (the class is from 1908 and was built in various modifications until 1930)
Normaly northern steam trips should have one or the other 01.10 Pacific. They have (deplorably) re-streamlined one of the reboilered DB 01.10s, this is 01 1102;
For museums, let me have a look into it and post something later, ok?
Anyone planing to come to Germany may ask me telling me where they want to go and I may see what you could see if it can be seen at that time - you see.
Let's see.
Add. July 30th / 31st:
Here are some addresses to sites and events: - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte;
have a site with locos, cars and coaches displayed at Bochum-Dahlhausen among which 41 024 oilfired Mikado and 01 1056 coalfired three cylinder Pacific, div. Prussian locos in orig. livery; another site is at Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße; have events and make trips with steam and diesel (respective lovers / haters carefully check loco numbers not to show up at the other party' event);
for trips: click on 'Reisen und Tagesausflüge; on the opening board choose: Museum und Fahrzeuge Bochum-Dahlhausen / Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße - Studienreisen - Tagesausflüge - etc.
Oct.8th there is a trip by 52 7409, an unrebuilt (original type) 52 class Decapod, ex DR, equipped with DB headlights, black & red DB livery; - Eisenbahnmuseum Darmstadt-Kranichstein
another site with locos and cars and coaches;
August 20th: trip by 23 042 (1950s standard type 2-6-2); black & red DB livery;
if you scroll down the site you will see a small picture of a DR Pacific oncoming and below that a line
Zum Eisenbahn-Planer
click on it will open a list of oncoming events - quite a list - list of events in Germany and some international by Drehscheibe Magazine (turntable)
on the opening page at "Bitte wählen Sie einen Monat aus:" choose the month you are interested in; this should open a list of events.
The next line "Falls auch Sie hier eine Veranstaltung bekanntgeben möchten, folgen Sie einfach diesem Link."
translates: If you want to advertise an event, just follow this link.
Next lines "Bitte senden Sie Änderungen oder Streichungen von Terminen an [email protected]. Ihre Termine können Sie selbst in den Kalender eintragen! Nutzen Sie diese Möglichkeit! Ihr eingetragener Termin wird zusätzlich an die Print-Redaktion der DREHSCHEIBE weitergeleitet!"
translates: Please send changes or cancellation of events to [email protected]. You can enrol your date of events into the calendar! Take advantage of this! Your enroled date of event will also be forwarded to the printing editorial staff of Drehscheibe.
So, if you like you may actually advertise some event in Colorado over here in 'Old Europe' (Rummy's expression) - and why not! (but no diesel events, that would be pointless since over here there are just a few individuals so oriented) - oegeg, to be sure, Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte
a powerful organisation in Austria that have built even a new roundhouse at Ampflwang / near Völklabruck. Until Nov. 5th they have a large exhibition of locos and cars and coaches there. They have quite an array of Austrian and German mainline steam locomotives among them 12.14 a 2-8-4 bought from Roumania, copy of the 1928 Austrian 214 class express 2-8-4, then: 01 533 heavy DR Reko type Pacific, 44 661 standard type heavy DR three cylinder Decapod, 42 2750 austerity Decapod (the heavier 'brother' type to the well known 52 class Decapod), engine rebought from Bulgaria, then: 52 8186 DR Reko type light Decapod; 50 3519 DR Reko type light Decapod, 86 501 DR standard type light 2-8-2 tank engine, 93 1326 (very) light Austrian 2-8-2 tank engine; 52 8186 is presently undergoing overhaul on this site.
Sept. 9th: visit by 41 018 oilfired DB Mikado coming from Augsburg (near Munich) for a tour;
to open the site click onto the ÖGEG emblem; in the opening page see title: information and click on > Jahresprogramm 2006 herunterladen this should get you a list of 2006 events.
When going to Austria be prepared to possibly having lots of 'Mehlspeisen' (cakes like for instance 'Marillenkuchen' = apricots cake) because they may become irresistible and good white and red wine to go with dinner. Generally speaking any humble simple roadside Gasthaus (Restaurant) can be trusted, there just is no bad food served in Austria. A specialty is 'Fridattensuppe' to go before the main course (boillon with stipes of pancake: light and refreshing); in hot weather avoid heavy lunches, rather go dining in the evening around 19 - 22 h.
Or: at Gooooooogle search just type in: Dampflok and a loco number, like 01 1066; please note blank space between the first two figures (class) and the following three or four figures (specific class and individual engine of this class, as in: 01 = heavy standard Pacific, 01 10 = three cylinder type thereof, 66 = engine within class 01.10) This will open a list of entries for this engine and related engines, clubs and sites having said engine or having been visited by that engine, or photos of that or such engines by individuals etc.; this may go far, depending on your will and patience to get lost in virtual steam land. It will eventually also lead you to a list of all engines preserved in Germany and from there to the sites where they are, have been or may go to in upcoming trips, etc.
So long for now folks, bye! Good luck in clickety-click click-along!
you can post what ever you like -
the one who said it all and said it best was José Feliciano with
Light my fire ...
Carter B:
I think there is not much remaining of the depot; they have even torn down the old station of Hamburg-Altona.
A steam loco in 'Bavarian green'? - Dunno ..
There is one Bavarian S3/6 but this Pacific is based in Bavaria (the class is from 1908 and was built in various modifications until 1930)
Normaly northern steam trips should have one or the other 01.10 Pacific. They have (deplorably) re-streamlined one of the reboilered DB 01.10s, this is 01 1102;
For museums, let me have a look into it and post something later, ok?
Anyone planing to come to Germany may ask me telling me where they want to go and I may see what you could see if it can be seen at that time - you see.
Let's see.
Add. July 30th / 31st:
Here are some addresses to sites and events: - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte;
have a site with locos, cars and coaches displayed at Bochum-Dahlhausen among which 41 024 oilfired Mikado and 01 1056 coalfired three cylinder Pacific, div. Prussian locos in orig. livery; another site is at Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße; have events and make trips with steam and diesel (respective lovers / haters carefully check loco numbers not to show up at the other party' event);
for trips: click on 'Reisen und Tagesausflüge; on the opening board choose: Museum und Fahrzeuge Bochum-Dahlhausen / Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße - Studienreisen - Tagesausflüge - etc.
Oct.8th there is a trip by 52 7409, an unrebuilt (original type) 52 class Decapod, ex DR, equipped with DB headlights, black & red DB livery; - Eisenbahnmuseum Darmstadt-Kranichstein
another site with locos and cars and coaches;
August 20th: trip by 23 042 (1950s standard type 2-6-2); black & red DB livery;
if you scroll down the site you will see a small picture of a DR Pacific oncoming and below that a line
Zum Eisenbahn-Planer
click on it will open a list of oncoming events - quite a list - list of events in Germany and some international by Drehscheibe Magazine (turntable)
on the opening page at "Bitte wählen Sie einen Monat aus:" choose the month you are interested in; this should open a list of events.
The next line "Falls auch Sie hier eine Veranstaltung bekanntgeben möchten, folgen Sie einfach diesem Link."
translates: If you want to advertise an event, just follow this link.
Next lines "Bitte senden Sie Änderungen oder Streichungen von Terminen an [email protected]. Ihre Termine können Sie selbst in den Kalender eintragen! Nutzen Sie diese Möglichkeit! Ihr eingetragener Termin wird zusätzlich an die Print-Redaktion der DREHSCHEIBE weitergeleitet!"
translates: Please send changes or cancellation of events to [email protected]. You can enrol your date of events into the calendar! Take advantage of this! Your enroled date of event will also be forwarded to the printing editorial staff of Drehscheibe.
So, if you like you may actually advertise some event in Colorado over here in 'Old Europe' (Rummy's expression) - and why not! (but no diesel events, that would be pointless since over here there are just a few individuals so oriented) - oegeg, to be sure, Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Eisenbahngeschichte
a powerful organisation in Austria that have built even a new roundhouse at Ampflwang / near Völklabruck. Until Nov. 5th they have a large exhibition of locos and cars and coaches there. They have quite an array of Austrian and German mainline steam locomotives among them 12.14 a 2-8-4 bought from Roumania, copy of the 1928 Austrian 214 class express 2-8-4, then: 01 533 heavy DR Reko type Pacific, 44 661 standard type heavy DR three cylinder Decapod, 42 2750 austerity Decapod (the heavier 'brother' type to the well known 52 class Decapod), engine rebought from Bulgaria, then: 52 8186 DR Reko type light Decapod; 50 3519 DR Reko type light Decapod, 86 501 DR standard type light 2-8-2 tank engine, 93 1326 (very) light Austrian 2-8-2 tank engine; 52 8186 is presently undergoing overhaul on this site.
Sept. 9th: visit by 41 018 oilfired DB Mikado coming from Augsburg (near Munich) for a tour;
to open the site click onto the ÖGEG emblem; in the opening page see title: information and click on > Jahresprogramm 2006 herunterladen this should get you a list of 2006 events.
When going to Austria be prepared to possibly having lots of 'Mehlspeisen' (cakes like for instance 'Marillenkuchen' = apricots cake) because they may become irresistible and good white and red wine to go with dinner. Generally speaking any humble simple roadside Gasthaus (Restaurant) can be trusted, there just is no bad food served in Austria. A specialty is 'Fridattensuppe' to go before the main course (boillon with stipes of pancake: light and refreshing); in hot weather avoid heavy lunches, rather go dining in the evening around 19 - 22 h.
Or: at Gooooooogle search just type in: Dampflok and a loco number, like 01 1066; please note blank space between the first two figures (class) and the following three or four figures (specific class and individual engine of this class, as in: 01 = heavy standard Pacific, 01 10 = three cylinder type thereof, 66 = engine within class 01.10) This will open a list of entries for this engine and related engines, clubs and sites having said engine or having been visited by that engine, or photos of that or such engines by individuals etc.; this may go far, depending on your will and patience to get lost in virtual steam land. It will eventually also lead you to a list of all engines preserved in Germany and from there to the sites where they are, have been or may go to in upcoming trips, etc.
So long for now folks, bye! Good luck in clickety-click click-along!
Last edited by Juniatha on Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:31 am, edited 5 times in total.