Discussion relating to the PRR, up to 1968. Visit the PRR Technical & Historical Society for more information.
  by shlustig
While reviewing some timetables from the 1940's and early 1950's, found a couple of puzzling oddities:

1. On the South Penn Branch between Chambersburg and Mercersburg, the following note:

"Passenger train service provided only in connection with the opening and closing of Mercersburg Academy". Contact Headmaster - Mercersburg Academy for specific information.

2. For Chambersburg and Waynesboro: "On application to the ticket agent at Harrisburg, Greencastle, Chambersburg, or Waynesboro, taxicab service connecting with all trains at Greencastle may be arranged to transport passengers from home or place of business to Greencastle or vice versa."

Does anyone have information on the "why" for these two notes?????