• Ex-Dallas Interurban car on craigslist

  • This forum is for discussion of "Fallen Flag" roads not otherwise provided with a specific forum. Fallen Flags are roads that no longer operate, went bankrupt, or were acquired or merged out of existence.
This forum is for discussion of "Fallen Flag" roads not otherwise provided with a specific forum. Fallen Flags are roads that no longer operate, went bankrupt, or were acquired or merged out of existence.

Moderator: Nicolai3985

  by Montclaire
Don't know if anybody saw this:
Antique 1920s or 1930s Dallas interurban trolley car. Trolley was retired from service in the 50s. Has a porch built on the back. Has a separate room with bath. There's a kitchen and a 1930s refrigerator that works very well. On about a half acre wooded lot at Lake Whitney. Not far from boat ramp. Walking distance to water. Used to be on the "Oak Lawn" run in Dallas. Unusual, neat place to spend summers at the lake. Call Carol (214) 886-1330 or Ron 214 886-1330. No owner financing.

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj83 ... an0001.jpg
http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj83 ... tcar-1.jpg
http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj83 ... tcar-2.jpg
http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj83 ... tcar-3.jpg
http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj83 ... tcar-4.jpg
  by Aa3rt
A little "Googling" on the Dallas Railway and Terminal Company (Emblem readable in the 4th photo.) reveals that DR&TC number 755 is the 26th of a series of 27 cars, numbered 730-756, built by American Car & Foundry in 1926.

At least 1 of this series of cars is being restored-according to Don's Depot it is car number 746 while Wikipedia identifies car number 754 being under restoration. Or is it both? Hopefully someone with a knowledge of trolleys in the Lone Star State can update this information.

Photo of sister #765:


A little more from Don's Depot:


Finally, while most of us are aware of the sometimes questionable accuarcy of Wikipedia, here's some information on the current McKinney Avenue Transit Authority in Dallas and current trolley restorations in The Big D:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McKinney_A ... _Authority
  by John_Perkowski
After coordination with Art, this is going to his forum, with a shadow topic in general discussion, locomotives, rolling stock, and equipment.

As a child, I remember the books "The Trolley Car Family." Someone lived the dream.