• CSX in Taunton

  • Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.
Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.

Moderator: MBTA F40PH-2C 1050

  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
how come the freights going through Taunton (center of town area (crossing 140 and 44 area)) have only a few cars? Every train that i have seen teh past two months have had not even 5 cars? During the summer, they are longer
  by GP40MC1118
If this is daylight hours, then you are seeing LB727 working around the
Taunton area after coming back from Fall River or New Bedford. I
have caught them on two Mondays making a trip to Myles Standish
Industrial Park from Cotely Jct, then stopping at Weir Junction to pick
off the Bay Colony interchange cars.

The night job has the big train (at least for our area!)....


  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
yea, i have noticed that the night trains and early morning trains are a lot longer
  by pharmerphil54
There are some nights the night job,MI-1(B726) will run 60 cars for Middleboro and Cotley. Its getting to be traffic than we can handle due to the greatly reduced yard trackage in the area.

  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
pharmerphil54, are u a conductor for CSX in the Taunton area?
  by Xplorer2000
MBTA F40PH-2C 1050 wrote:Every train that i have seen teh past two months have had not even 5 cars? During the summer, they are longer
Note the part of your post I have in quotes, and you probably have your answer. Some of the traffic you see in the summertime might be of a Seasonal nature. So, in the dead of Winter / early Spring, traffic would naturallybe .... Low!!! I could be wrong,of course.There could be any other number of factors involved, from lack of business to the whims of the dispatchers in Jacksonville, but seasonal fluctuations is my bet.

  by CSX Conductor
Explorer, just as information.....CSX's operations in the Northeast are dispatched out of Selkirk, Ny.

Maybe someday if you are lucky enough an engineer will have a problem with his locomotive while you are railfanning and talk to Jacksonville Mechanical help desk over the radio so that you can hear Bubba or Jed with their deep southern draw.


  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
what are the speed limits for CSX trains through the center of Taunton? 10-15 mph?

  by CSX Conductor
From Attleboro to MP QN 9.3>>> 30MPH

MP QN 9.3 to QN 9.5 >>> 10MPH

MP QN 9.5 to QN 10.1 >>> 20MPH

MP QN 10.1 to QN 11.1 >>> 10 MPH

MP QN 11.1 to QN 11.3 >>> 15 MPH

MP QN 11.3 to QN 13.00 >>> 25 MPH

MP QN 13.0 to QN 13.3 (Cotley) >>> 10MPH

Speeds are for both Passenger and Freight

  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
Thanks CSX conductor :D

  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
when was the second track on the Middleboro sec. in Taunton ripped up?
  by GP40MC1118
Not entirely sure, but I do know the second track between Taunton
Central (Oak Street) and Whittenton Jct was taken out by PC or
early Conrail. I got some B&W prints of the "rearrangement"
project at Tremont St (RT 140) - the south end of the freight


  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
has anyone seen LB727 lately? and one question, what is the number of the trin that travels from Attleboro to Taunton at 5 am durin gthe week? (M-F) my aunt got stopped by it last week, and it was 65 cars long
  by GP40MC1118
LB727 has been making the rounds of New Bedford and Fall River, as
usual. I saw them Thursday between 11AM and 12PM in New Bedford
swapping cars with the Bay Colony.


  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
where in New Bedford did you see that happen?