There are more than 2 seniority districts on the BNSF. There are actually dozens of them. For a new hire trainman, it boils down to what looks like about 6 districts.
The "closed seniority" districts include:
01 Superior district (part of Wisconsin and Minnesota)
02 MInnesota district (part of Minnesota and North Dakota)
03 Montana/North Dakota district (western North Dakota and eastern Montana)
04 Rocky Mountain district (western Montana)
05 Pacific district (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia)
Everywhere else is covered by the NH99 roster, or New Hire 99 board, which was agreed to by most, but not all, general chairmen and implemented back in, guess what, 1999.
Trainmen in the closed seniority disctricts cannot take their seniority out of those districts and people outside of them cannot bring their seniority into them. So the NH99 guys have a lot more choices in where they can work, the guys in the closed seniority districts don't have to worry about somebody from a 1,000 miles away bumping them when things get slow.
And Minot is definitely NOT within the Northwest Division or the Pacific seniority district.
Last edited by Iron Bender on Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.