by LCJ
If only:
- Conrail had been able to figure out how to grow revenues instead just selling off parts of the network to stay alive and independent into the 21st century.
- Political influences hadn't prevailed in the so-called SP-East acquisition attempt that would have doubled Conrail's revenues and significantly expanded the franchise.
Then, well, everything would have been different. No sulking here. I really don't miss Conrail at all -- as long as CSX continues to maintain my Conrail Supplemental pension, that is!
- Conrail had been able to figure out how to grow revenues instead just selling off parts of the network to stay alive and independent into the 21st century.
- Political influences hadn't prevailed in the so-called SP-East acquisition attempt that would have doubled Conrail's revenues and significantly expanded the franchise.
Then, well, everything would have been different. No sulking here. I really don't miss Conrail at all -- as long as CSX continues to maintain my Conrail Supplemental pension, that is!