• My First Rail Fanning session

  • Tell us where you were and what you saw!
Tell us where you were and what you saw!

Moderator: David Benton

Today I went to Fern Rock station at around 4:30 and started taking taking pictures of the push and pull on track 0. I was to late to go all the way to the end of the platform and take a shot of the ALP-44, instead I took a shot of the bomber cab car 2401. This was also one shot I wanted before the NJT cars come in and hide SEPTA's ORIGINAL cab cars. I managed to take pictures and videos of the silverliners 2 and 3 and the push and pull sets.

Here is my photobucket album with my RR pictures http://s222.photobucket.com/albums/dd5/ ... al%20Rail/
and my videos on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGrNM38dP6w