Discussion relating to the PRR, up to 1968. Visit the PRR Technical & Historical Society for more information.
  by Patrick A.
Greetings All,
I just finished Conquering Gotham, a great book which is about the process of constructing the North [Hudson] River and East River Tunnels, and the construction of Penn Station. A great read for those who want to know more about the painstaking efforts which were put into constructing a true marvel of railroad stations.


A link to the author's websitehttp://www.conqueringgotham.com/
  by RichM
I concur with Patrick's comments. This is a good book! I just picked it up from Amazon for a long plane trip.

Good history of the times, and the people involved, as well as the construction process. Well written, it's an easy read... with enough depth, and without simplifying the facts or providing a revisionist history of New York City. Not everyone with power and wealth was a robber baron...