• Early 567D engines

  • Discussion of Electro-Motive locomotive products and technology, past and present. Official web site can be found here: http://www.emdiesels.com/.
Discussion of Electro-Motive locomotive products and technology, past and present. Official web site can be found here: http://www.emdiesels.com/.

Moderator: GOLDEN-ARM

  by Allen Hazen
(Forgive me for citing a reference everybody here probably already knows, and that someone who frequents this forum may have written!)
The Wikipedia article on the FL-9 confirms that the late FL-9 had an 1800 hp rating, and that whereas the first batch had 567C engines the late batch (as one would expect, given their 1960 build date) had 567D1.
  by SSW921
If you want a new idea, read an old book. The GP9 Tally in the January-February 1972 issue of Extra 2200 South has two interesting entries. CN GP9 #4346 was delivered with a 16-567CD engine rated at 1800 horsepower. This would be GMD serial A-1781 on order C-263 shipped October 9, 1959. And Canadian Pacific GP9 #8839 was built with a 16-567D engine rated at 1800 horsepower. This would be GMD serial A-1730 on order C-260 shipped August 31, 1959.

Ed in Kentucky