Discussion relating to the past and present operations of CPR. Official web site can be found here: CPKCR.com. Includes Kansas City Southern. There is also a KCS sub-forum for prior operations: kansas-city-southern-and-affiliates-f153.html

Moderators: Komachi, Ken V

  by fromway
There is an article in the Bangor Daily News today about plastic waste on the shores of Sears Island in Searsport. It turns out to be part of plastic waste brought from Ireland to be burned in a Waste to Energy plant in Orrington, Maine. When they were unloading the bundles of waste from the ship to a trailer, some of the bundles broke open and fell into the water around the pier. They are in the process of cleaning it up. This is all that the NIMBYS in Searsport need to protest any material that will have to be transloaded to and from a ship.