• Beacon Falls 100 years ago

  • Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
  by bellstbarn
The New York Times of December 2, 1916, page 3, carries a brief article, NEW HAVEN TRAIN WRECKED. Dateline Beacon Falls, December 1. A northbound express from New York to Winsted "ran into an open switch" and plowed into the rear of a freight train near Beacon Falls. The engineer, Eugene Lake of Bridgeport, and the fireman, Charles Slack of Waterbury, were scalded to death. The article states that the accident happened about 7 p.m. just south of the station, and within a half-hour most of the passengers had boarded trolley cars to continue their journey.