by Gilbert B Norman
Gray Lady reports on who is now becoming a mass transit "partner": ... ansit.html
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DENVER — When Julia Ellis arrives at a train station in a Denver suburb to go to work, she opens her Uber app. Next to the ride-hailing options, she taps a train icon marked “Transit.”It's all new to me; never once used them. I guess when I go overseas next week, I'll use a "for hire" vehicle somewhere-once.
The click buys her a ticket for Denver’s public transit system, the Regional Transportation District. Ms. Ellis said she had used Uber to get her train tickets since the company rolled out the feature this spring. She also often takes an Uber ride to the station because a medical condition limits her driving.
“You make two clicks and you’re there,” Ms. Ellis, 54, said of how Uber and Denver’s train system had changed her commute.