by charlie6017
I just wonder how much money CSX (and other Class 1's) would lose by becoming more fluid, driving away customers to short lines and worse yet, trucks. I understand CN went from a money-losing outfit to a strong Canadian Class 1. I hope careful thought is put into such ideas before implementing. I live near Rochester NY, and I can only speak from what I see as a railfan, I am not a railroad employee. Around here, it seems like the CSX main already is a bridge across NY, without a lot of on-line customers. It's like a cross-state freeway with only a few exits. Many customers already have changed from rail service to trucks. There could be money to be had from more customers. But I can understand that CSX has to ask themselves if the monetary reward is worth the effort. It seems here in NY, that there are only a few short lines that already interchange w/ CSX.
~Charlie Ricker